| - 使(軍隊)機械化用諸如坦剋和卡車之類的機動車來裝備(一軍事單位)
To equip(a military unit) with motor vehicles, such as tanks and trucks. - 聯合國的工作,諸如選舉援助、掃盲和消除疾病,有助於建設穩定、運作良好和民主的社會。
UN work – such as electoral assistance, the promotion of literacy and the eradication of disease – helps to build stable, functioning, democratic societies. - 到2003年,把對艾滋病病毒/艾滋病實施的預防、護理、治療、支持和減少影響等諸項計劃納入發展計劃的主流中去,包括扶貧戰略、國傢預算撥款以及部門發展計劃。
By 2003,integrate HIV/AIDS prevention,care,treatment and support and impact mitigating priorities into the mainstream of development planning,including in poverty eradication strategies,national budget allocations and sectoral development plans. - 我們花錢請財務分析傢不是讓他們當事後諸葛亮。
Al analysts to be wise after the event! - 因此,失業人數上升,股市下挫,物業市道也較諸高峰期大幅下降,旅遊業的生意也大跌。香港今年第一季經濟出現負增長,經濟睏境在未來幾季會持續下去。
Therefore, unemployment has risen, stock prices have fallen and property market has declined very substantially from the peak. Tourism has also fallen off sharply, Hong Kong's economy recorded negative growth in the first quarter. The economy will continue to be difficult for a number of quarters to come. - 這可能是為一個簡單的决定,諸如,上學時帶雨衣或者延遲一場足球賽事,也可能是為一個重要的决定,諸如,飛機的空中航綫轉移到無霧的機場,像這樣的决定每天都要有很多。為了幫助决定者,氣象員可以提供過去或將來的信息。
It might be a simple decision to take a rain coat when going to school or to delay the start of a football match, or it might be a more important one to divert an airliner to a fog-free airport. Millions of decisions like these are made every day, and to help decision-makers the weathermen can provide information about the past or the future. - 第二種解釋是見諸於泰奧費爾②的四句詩:
and secondly, Thèophile’s quatrain, which runs: - 沿河街道上有五、六座這樣的大廈,諸如與貝爾納丹修道院共用小塔旁邊大院墻的洛林公館,再如納勒公館,其主塔正好是巴黎的標界,那黑色三角形的尖形屋頂一年當中有三個月把殷紅的夕陽遮住了一角。
There were five or six of these mansions on the quay, from the house of Lorraine, which shared with the Bernardins the grand enclosure adjoining the Tournelle, to the Hotel de Nesle,whose principal tower ended Paris, and whose pointed roofs were in a position, during three months of the year, to encroach, with their black triangles, upon the scarlet disk of the setting sun. - 我用了很多的時間,問自己諸如“他為什麽會那樣說”之類的問題,然後又對另一個爸爸的話提出同樣的疑問。
Much of my private time was spent reflecting, asking myself questions such as, "Why does he say that?" and then asking the same question of the other dad's statement. - 在很多助教的實例中,學校教授特別希望找到的學生具備某些技能和工作經驗,諸如計算機技能,實驗室經驗等等。
In many of the RA cases, school professors are specifically looking for certain skill sets and working experiences, which could be computer skills, lab experiences, etc. - 我們並不相信種族歧視是上帝加諸於人的觀念。
We don't believe the myth that racial discrimination was imposed by God. - 中國一貫認為,對於危及世界和平與安全的行為,諸如由殖民主義、種族主義和外國侵略、占領造成的粗暴侵犯人權的行為,以及種族隔離、種族歧視、滅絶種族、販賣奴隸、國際恐怖組織侵犯人權的嚴重事件,國際社會都應進行幹預和製止,實行人權的國際保護。
China has always held that to effect international protection of human rights, the international community should interfere with and stop acts that endanger world peace and security, such as gross human rights violations caused by colonialism, racism, foreign aggression and occupation, as well as apartheid, racial discrimination, genocide, slave trade and serious violation of human rights by international terrorist organizations. - "那麽,在這樣的精神下,我對當選總統布什說,我們一定要將黨派之爭結下的仇恨拋諸腦後,願主保佑他好好管理這個國傢。
Well,in that same spirit,I say to president? elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside,and may God bless his stewardship of this country. - 英法則始終不贊成平等互惠原則,衹要求蘇聯保證它們的安全,它們卻不肯保證蘇聯的安全,不肯保證波羅的海諸小國的安全,以便開一個缺口讓德國進兵,並且不讓蘇聯軍隊通過波蘭去反對侵略者。
But, from start to finish, Britain and France rejected the principle of equality and reciprocity; they demanded that the Soviet Union provide safeguards for their security, but refused to do likewise for the Soviet Union and the small Baltic states, so as to leave a gap through which Germany could attack, and they also refused to allow the passage of Soviet troops through Poland to fight the aggressor. - 公司要求員工為推出成功産品出謀劃策,並對這些設想加以廣泛論證,以確保其質量和安全性,然後積極地將這些設想付諸實施,推嚮市場,傳遞給消費者。
Employees are expected to think up successful product ideas, to test those ideas extensively to ensure quality and safety, and to push those ideas aggressively into the market to the customer. - 靈液諸神血管裏流動着的稀有液體
The rarefied fluid said to run in the veins of the gods. - (希臘神話)諸神血管裏流動着的稀有液體。
(Greek mythology) the rarified fluid said to flow in the veins of the Gods. - 小核果一種小的核果,如樹莓或黑刺莓諸多亞門中的任一種
A small drupe, such as one of the many subdivisions of a raspberry or blackberry. - 我們應該訴諸於理性而不是情感。
his rationality may have been impaired; he had to rely less on reason than on rousing their emotions. - 為了將美國老人受歧視的現象公諸於世,我們讓她搬進來。
We let her move in because we want to make a statement about ageism in america. - 他的恐嚇威脅是很少見諸行動的,通常衹是張牙舞爪,裝模作樣罷了!
He very rarely puts his threat into practice-usually it's just saber –rattling. - 前往東方諸國的奇異旅行;這場電影太棒了;巨大的成功;一流珍本書籍的收藏;進行了一次關於政治的生機勃勃的對話;巨大的成就。
a fantastic trip to the Orient; the film was fantastic!; a howling success; a marvelous collection of rare books; had a rattling conversation about politics; a tremendous achievement. - 指各種遠程訪問存儲和檢索的方法,涉及諸如預定係統、保險公司、信用卡檢驗以及類似的實時操作等應用程序。
Refers to various remote access storage and retrieval systems that involve applications such as reservation systems, insurance companies, credit checking,and similar realtime operations. - 為後繼操作準備數據,編輯可以包括重新組織數據或增加數據、刪除不需要的數據、格式控製、代碼轉換以及使用諸如消零那樣的規格化處理。
To prepare data for a later operation. Editing may include the rearrangement or the addition of data, the deletion of unwanted data, format control, code conversion, and the application of standard processes such as zero suppression. - 訴諸理性
An appeal to reason. - 後來宙斯答應釋放她,條件是大傢要起誓永不再造反。諸神們雖然滿心的不情願,但還是個個作了保證。
In the end Zeus undertook to free her if they swore never more to rebel against him; and this each in turn grudgingly did. - 反叛者把酒倒在地上,作為對諸神的祭物。
The rebels poured the wine on the ground as an offering to the gods. - 朕調解整個歐洲較諸調解兩個女人更快。
I can sooner reconcile all Europe than two women. - 朕調解整個歐洲較諸調解兩個女人更快。
I could sooner reconcile all Europe than two women. - 我看不出你所說的與本案諸事實相符合。
I can not reconcile what you say with the facts of the case. - 他最後的絶招是訴諸法律。
His last recourse was the law. - 由合同義務引起的爭議通常不訴諸法律。
Dispute arised from contract obligation is generally settled without recourse to the court.