  • 法國舊社會的崩潰,他自己家庭的破落,一流亡者可能因遠道傳聞和恐怖的誇大而顯得更加可怕的九三年的種種悲劇,是否使他在思想上産生過消沉和孤獨的意念呢?
    The ruin of the French society of the olden days, the fall of his own family, the tragic spectacles of '93, which were, perhaps, even more alarming to the emigrants who viewed them from a distance, with the magnifying powers of terror,--did these cause the ideas of renunciation and solitude to germinate in him?
  • 是一個時代的一切力量通力合作的非凡産物,每塊石頭上都可以看到在天才藝術傢熏陶下,那些訓練有素的工匠迸發出來的百奇思妙想;
    prodigious product of the grouping together of all the forces of an epoch,where, upon each stone, one sees the fancy of the workman disciplined by the genius of the artist start forth in a hundred fashions;
  • 他們一般高.
    They are of equal height.
  • 國際收支一均衡分析法
    general equilibrium approach to balance of payments
  • 艾倫作弊被抓住後百狡賴,不過他無法騙過我們。
    When Alan was caught cheating, he tried to bluster it out but he couldn't deceive us.
  • 我夢想有一天,亞拉巴馬州會有所改變——儘管該州州長現在仍滔滔不絶地說什麽要對聯邦法令提出異議和拒絶執行——在那裏,黑人兒童能夠和白人兒童兄弟姐妹地攜手並行。
    I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.
  • 年輕投資人士一從股票的資本增值中獲益,因為他們通常是長綫投資,不太在意眼前的收益。
    Younger investors will benefit from equity capital growth because they are generally investing for the longer term and not unduly concerned about the lack of immediate yield.
  • 指一包括阿拉巴馬州、喬治亞洲、福羅裏達州、田納西州、南卡羅萊納州和北卡羅萊納州的美國地區。
    of a region of the United States generally including Alabama; Georgia; Florida; Tennessee; South Carolina; North Carolina.
  • 橡皮製成的擦子(或有和橡皮接近的人造材料製成);一裝在鉛筆的末端。
    an eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber); commonly mounted at one end of a pencil.
  • 新教教派;一稱為公誼會。
    a Protestant sect; commonly called Quakers.
  • 然而即在《舊約》之中,如諦聽大衛底琴音,就一定可以聽見與歡頌一多的哀歌;並且聖靈的畫筆在形容約伯底苦難上比在形容所羅門底幸福上致力得多了。
    Yet, even in the Old Testament, if you listen to David's harp, you shall hear as many hearselike airs,as carols: and the pencil of the Holy Ghost hath laboured more, in describing the afflictions of Job, than the felicities of Solomon.
  • 現代的飛機能夠如箭地飛達20,000英尺的高度。
    The modern airplane can arrow upward to20,000feet.
  • 光子,光量子電磁能的量子,一認為是有零質量、無電荷和不定長壽命的離散性粒子
    The quantum of electromagnetic energy, generally regarded as a discrete particle having zero mass, no electric charge, and an indefinitely long lifetime.
  • 激(發核)子,重子微原子粒子傢族中的一員,包括核子和超子多重譜綫,由三誇剋組成,一比介子要重,會發生很強烈的內部反應
    Any of a family of subatomic particles, including the nucleon and hyperon multiplets, that participate in strong interactions, are composed of three quarks, and are generally more massive than mesons.
  • 寄往中國的航空信一是50美分,不過這封信好像厚一點。
    An airmail letter to china normally cost50 cents, but this letter seem a bit thick.
  • 她如女王統領班上其他同學。
    She queens it over all the other children in the class.
  • 北美洲産的鯉魚的大魚。
    large carp-like North American fish.
  • 她比她姐姐的觀察力來得敏銳,脾氣她沒有姐姐那麽好惹,因此提到彬傢姐妹,她衹要想想她們在跳舞場裏的那種舉止,就知道她們並不打算要討一人的好。而且她胸有城府,决不因為人傢等待她好就改變主張,她不會對她們發生多大好感的。
    Their behaviour at the assembly had not been calculated to please in general; and with more quickness of observation and less pliancy of temper than her sister, and with a judgment, too, unassailed by any attention to herself, she was very little disposed to approve them.
  • 一名出色的選手飛人一遙遙領先,讓觀衆領略了什麽是速度——和更快。
    A superb racer pulled away,showing the audience what fast looks like and faster.
  • 來說,俱樂部級比賽,用旋轉球拍的辦法(猜先)。
    Generally speaking, at club level, players spin a racket.
  • 夜裏,珍珠的電燈把這些街道映照得一片輝煌。
    At night these streets are brilliant with a pearly radiance of electricity.
  • 紫菀屬植物一種菊科紫菀屬的植物,有帶白、粉、或藍紫色傘形放射狀頭狀花序,花盤一為黃色
    Any of various plants of the genus Aster in the composite family, having radiate flower heads with white, pink, or violet rays and a usually yellow disk.
  • 這一假設形成了現今的放射性理論,據此理論我們可以準確地預言約三十種新元素的存在,對於這些元素我們一既不能用化學方法進行分離,也不能用化學方法描述其特徵。
    This hypothesis has led to present-day theories of radioactivity, according to which we can predict with certainty the existence of about 30 new elements which we cannot generally either isolate or characterize by chemical methods.
  • 我想在這裏回顧一下放射性研究的非同一的發展情況;這一新興學科起源於三十多年前貝剋勒爾和居裏夫婦的研究工作。
    I would like here to recall the extraordinary development of radioactivity, this new science which had its origin, less then forty years ago in the work of Henri Becquerel and of Pierre and Marie Curie.
  • 訓練範圍非常廣泛,包括抗災、撲滅山火、清理油污、水災拯救、核輻射防護、心肺復蘇法及一搶救技巧等。
    The training covers counter-disaster skills, fire-fighting, anti-oil pollution, flood rescue, radiological protection, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and conventional rescue instruction.
  • 在這一領域中,從一理論的觀點來看,鐳的重要性是具有决定性的。
    In this field the importance of radium from the viewpoint of general theories has been decisive.
  • 富農一地在農民群衆反對帝國主義的鬥爭中可能參加一分力量,在反對地主的土地革命鬥爭中也可能保持中立。
    Generally speaking, they might make some contribution to the anti-imperialist struggle of the peasant masses and stay neutral in the agrarian revolutionary struggle against the landlords.
  • 痙攣性的狂怒;痙攣的笑。
    a convulsive rage; convulsive laughter.
  • 不久他們來到一間安上軟墊的小屋前,聽見裏面傳出野獸的怒吼。
    Presently they came to a padded cell, in which could be heard a raging as of a wild beast.
  • 在敘述無産階級發展的最一的階段的時候,我們循序探討了現存社會內部或多或少隱蔽着的國內戰爭,直到這個戰爭爆發為公開的革命,無産階級用暴力推翻資産階級而建立自己的統治。
    In depicting the most general phases of the development of the proletariat, we traced the more or less veiled civil war, raging within existing society, up to the point where that war breaks out into open revolution, and where the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie lays the foundation for the sway of the proletariat.
  • 蘭姆糕一種發酵的蘭姆酒蛋糕,一用葡萄幹製成
    A leavened rum cake, usually made with raisins.
  • 在工作站級的pc機中安裝更多的ram,而且選擇糾錯碼存儲器,它能糾正在易失性存儲器中自發産生的錯誤。
    More RAM is typically installed in workstation-class PCs, which also tend to opt for Error-Correcting Code memory, which fixes errors that can spontaneously arise in volatile memory.