  • 引人入胜的或有激烈的力量冲的一段插曲。
    an episode that is turbulent or highly emotional.
  • 强烈的焦虑和恐慌的感觉然出现。
    a sudden acute episode of intense anxiety and feelings of panic.
  • 微绒毛;微小起物;指状起一些上皮细胞表面上起的微小发状结构的总称,尤指小肠上的
    Any of the minute hairlike structures projecting from the surface of certain types of epithelial cells, especially those of the small intestine.
  • 他们因受到然袭击而惊恐不安。
    They were alarmed by a sudden attack.
  • 瑞典人在女子体操、跳水和马术中成绩出,而他们作为东道主的出色表现就更不用说了。
    The Swedes excelled in women gymnastics, diving, and the equestrian events-to say nothing of the job they did as a host.
  • 在位移或然的变化之后一个系统回到或调整到平衡状态。
    the exponential return of a system to equilibrium after a disturbance.
  • 给汽车尾部安装起装饰物。
    equip with fins, as of a car.
  • 阿兰然意识到他必须得做些什么了。
    Alan suddenly realized what he had to do.
  • 然俯身低下从垂直方向上相对高的位置降到低的位置
    A sudden drop from a relatively erect to a less erect position.
  • 然倒下然失去垂直的或笔直的位置
    To lose an upright or erect position suddenly.
  • “那个护士说我什么也不能做的原因是我不相信自己”她说,“然,我下定决心,树立信心我能不靠任何帮助走下过道。”
    “The nurse commented that the reason I couldn't do anything was because I didn't believe I could,” she says. “Suddenly, I was determined. I wanted to believe I cou ld walk down the aisle unaided.”
  • 中国的国民经济和社会发展飞猛进,原定到2000年国民生产总值比1980年翻两番的计划已于1995年提前完成,人民生活显著改善,正在向小康目标前进。
    National economic and social development in China has advanced by leaps and bounds. The plan to quadruple the 1980 GNP by 2000 was realized ahead of schedule in 1995. The Chinese people's life has improved greatly, and they are working hard to achieve a comfortable life.
  • 如果指定的排序修饰符之间没有冲,那么这是所有结果集的缺省排序。
    If no conflicting sort qualifier is specified, this is the default sort order for all result sets.
  • 如果指定的排序修饰符之间没有冲,这是查询结果集的最顶端的结构层次上的名元素的缺省排序。
    If no conflicting sort qualifier is specified, this is the default sort order for inquiries that return name values at this topmost detail level.
  • 20世纪80年代中期到晚期,在南美洲砍伐森林的速率然迅猛下降,主要是由于巴西经济和税收政策的变化。但是在非洲和东南亚,尽管数量很少,砍伐的速度依然很高。
    In the middle- to-late 1980s, the rates of deforestation in South America slowed dramatically, largely due to economic and tax policy changes in Brazil, but the pace of cuffing in Africa and Southeast Asia, though poorly quantified, remains high.
  • 飞机突然迷失了方向
    The airplane suddenly lost its way.
  • 这一发现标志著治疗癌症的一大破。
    This discovery mark a quantum leap forward in the fight against cancer.
  • ?纳米结构,异常现象和量子控制——怎样破目前存在的小型化限制。
    Nanoscale structures, novel phenomena and quantum control -- how to overcome existing limits to miniaturization.
  • 崔琦教授于1982年和两位合作者在量子物理学中的重大破,终于使他获得了1998年度的诺贝尔物理奖。
    In 1982, Professor Cui Qi, with two collaborators, achieved a significant breakthrough in the field of quantum physics. In 1998, he was finally awarded the Nobel Prize for physics.
  • 原子潜艇“鹦鹉螺”号的诞生不折不扣地使海底战争的范围大为扩大……。有些海军将领们甚至称之为“破性的进展”,其重要性不亚于由帆船到蒸汽机的进步。
    The birth of the Nautilus literally added a new dimension to undersea warfare… some admirals to so far as to call it a "quantum jump" comparable to the shift from sail to steam.
  • 他们突然吵起嘴来。
    They plunged into a quarrel.
  • 击中带球冲向敌线(四分卫)
    To rush(the quarterback) in a blitz.
  • 袭猛撞(四分卫)一种防守技术。一个或多个中后卫或防守后卫在对阵开球时向后冲过争球线以便破坏四分卫,尤指在传球时
    A defensive play in which one or more linebackers or defensive backs charge through the line of scrimmage at the snap in an attempt to overwhelm the quarterback, especially in a passing situation.
  • 杰夫:警方在法国西南小城帕米尔斯对驻扎在当地的荷兰车队tvm进行然检查。
    Jeff: The police undertook a sudden search to the Dutch TVM team, which was quartered at Pamils, a small town in southwest France.
  • 我朝悬崖外边望去,感一阵晕眩。
    I looked over the edge of the cliff and came over all queer.
  • 然插到排队的行列中去是不恰当的。
    It is improper to cut in on a queue.
  • 云层然散开,机场就清晰可见了。
    A sudden movement of the clouds brought the airfield into view.
  • 我突起疑心。
    A quick suspicion flashed across.
  • 灯灭时,她的心害怕得直跳。
    Her heart quickened with fear as the lights went out.
  • 击队和空降部队在被占领的桥梁附近汇合。
    The Commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the captured bridge.
  • 击队与空降部队在村庄附近会合起来。
    The commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the village.
  • 然间,风停了,寂静得令人感到不自然。我们的心里充满恐惧和不安。
    Suddenly it was over.The quietness felt unnatural and an eerie,uneasy feeling gripped us.