  • 隨着西藏不斷擴大開放,一些過去沒有的物種,如鯉魚、鯽魚、鱔魚、泥鰍等水生動物,一些高産、優質的牛、羊、豬、雞、鴨等傢禽傢畜,玉米、西及各種蔬菜等高效農作物,都已從內地引進並在西藏蓬勃生長。
    As Tibet opens wider to the outside world, non-native creatures such as carp, crucian carp, eel and loach, high-productivity and quality cattle, sheep, pigs, chicken, ducks, as well as corn, watermelons and vegetables have been introduced from the inland areas to Tibet, where they are thriving today.
  • 安巴托厄多爾中部城市,在基多南部的高安第斯山峽𠔌中,是商業中心和旅遊勝地,人口100,454
    A city of central Ecuador in a high Andean valley south of Quito. It is a commercial center and popular tourist site. Population,100, 454.
  • 包含例如海星海膽和海黃等的放射對稱的海生無脊椎動物。
    radially symmetrical marine invertebrates including e.g. starfish and sea urchins and sea cucumbers.
  • 葉菊,千日蓮一種菊科雜交的裝飾用植物(千裏光屬自詠恢鄭??稍??詡幽搶?旱旱鈉分址庇??矗?醒蘩齙摹⒃由?姆派渥賜紛椿ㄐ蚝鴕?俗⒛康撓幸??庠蟮囊蹲櫻?魑?夷謚參鍩蚧ㄌ持參鋃?惴旱卦災
    Any of several hybrid ornamental plants(Senecio hybridus) in the composite family, derived from species native to the Canary Islands and widely grown as indoor or bedding plants for their showy, variously colored radiate flower heads and attractive silvery foliage.
  • 這裏也有蘆葦、菜花、鬍蘿蔔、小蘿蔔、甘藍、老玉米、黃和茄子。
    They also have asparagus, cauliflower, carrots, radishes, broccoli, corn, cucumbers and egg plant.
  • 有,芹菜、黃、洋蔥及小蘿蔔都是今天的特色菜您喜歡哪一種?
    Yes, celery, cucumber, onions and radishes are an our today's menu. What's your favorite?
  • 那個男孩將他學到的那首詩背得滾爛熟。
    The boy rattled off the poem he had learnt.
  • 那孩子把學到的那首詩背得滾爛熟。
    The child rattled off the poem he had learnt.
  • 雷蒙:有,我剛剛在街角的藥房買了一些香草冰淇淋,我也買發一些哈蜜.竜眼和葡萄。
    Raymond: Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes,longans and grapes.
  • 雷蒙:有,我剛剛在街角的藥房買了一些香草冰淇淋,我也買發一些哈蜜。竜眼和葡萄。
    Raymond: Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes, longans and grapes.
  • ,種豆得豆。
    We reap what we sow.
  • ,種豆得豆。
    As we sow, so shall we reap.
  • ,種豆得豆。
    As you sow, so shall you reap.
  • ,種豆得豆。
    You must reap what you have sown.
  • ,種豆得豆。
    As a man sows, so he shall reap.
  • 我們認為他是個傻
    We regard him as a fool.
  • 巴爾幹半島一地區和古國,位於愛琴海北部;曾為古希臘的殖民地;後來成為羅馬的一個省;現在被希臘和土耳其分。
    a region and ancient country in the east of the Balkan Peninsula north of the Aegean Sea; colonized by ancient Greeks; later a Roman province; now divided between Greece and Turkey.
  • 宗教上比較保守的父母每年都竭力要在學校裏禁止雕萬聖節前夜南,或穿鬼怪服裝,他們宣稱這會教孩子們崇拜撒旦。
    Religiously conservative parents make annual attempts to ban Halloween pumpkins and ghost costumes from schools because, they claim,it teaches the children to worship Satan.
  • 切碎的????漬黃、青辣椒和洋蔥組成的小菜。
    relish of chopped pickled cucumbers and green peppers and onion.
  • 現在我已認識史蒂夫一年了,可是我卻不情願地得出他是一個傻的結論。
    I've known Steve for a year now but I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that he's a fool.
  • 人們常常吃南餅,目的是為了紀念首批移民。
    Pumpkin pie is often served in remembrance of the first settlers.
  • 藤蔓植物,果實有薄的網狀的皮和甜美的緑色果肉。
    a muskmelon vine with fruit that has a thin reticulated rind and sweet green flesh.
  • 在漫長的歷史過程中,中國雖然經歷過改朝換代、政權更迭,出現過地方割據,遭遇過外敵入侵,特別是近代史上曾飽受外國列強的侵略和分,但統一始終是中國歷史發展的主流,每一次分裂之後都復歸統一,並且都贏來了國傢政治、經濟、文化、科技的快速發展。
    Over the long course of history, the Chinese nation has witnessed changes of dynasties, transfers of governments, local separatist regimes, and foreign invasions, especially the untold invasions and dismemberment by foreign powers in modern history. However, unity has always been the main trend in the development of Chinese history. After every separation, the country was invariably reunified, only to be followed in its wake by rapid political, economic, cultural, scientific and technological development.
  • 小的暗緑色或黃色棱紋的南肉黃色到橙色。
    small dark green or yellow ribbed squash with yellow to orange flesh.
  • 還有一些富人甚至以無子嗣為自豪。也許他們是擔心,一旦有了子女就分現有的財産吧。
    Nay more, there are some foolish rich covetous men, that take a pride, in having no children. For perhaps they have heard some talk, he hath a great charge of children; as if it were an abatement to his riches.
  • 外殼淡黃色,果肉稍白的
    melon having yellowish rind and whitish flesh.
  • 大的足球形狀的鼕南皮灰緑色帶疣。
    large football-shaped winter squash with a warty gray-green rind.
  • 鼓形的南皮暗緑色,有銀色或灰色標記。
    drum-shaped squash with dark green rind marked in silver or gray.
  • 球形或卵形南,有灰色和緑色斑紋的帶疣皮。
    globose or ovoid squash with striped gray and green warty rind.
  • 有棕紅色皮和橘紅色果肉的甜藤蔓植物。
    a variety of muskmelon vine having fruit with a tan rind and orange flesh.
  • ,西上述兩種蔓所結之果實,具有堅硬的皮和多汁的瓤
    The fruit of any of these plants, having a hard rind and juicy flesh.
  • 緑皮密生西葫蘆一種細長的南,表皮光滑呈深緑色
    A variety of squash having an elongated shape and a smooth, thin, dark green rind.