  • 我们两个都在打盹,不料有人来捣乱,那就是约瑟夫放下一个木梯,它经过一个活门直通阁楼里:我想这就是他上升阁楼之路了。
    We were both of us nodding, ere anyone invaded our retreat, and then it was Joseph, shuffling down a wooden ladder that vanished in the roof, through a trap: the ascent to his garret, I suppose.
  • 飞机何时要起飞?
    When do you guess the airplane will take off?
  • 胡乱的瞄准、测、射击
    A wild aim, guess, shot
  • 信息传视技术中的一种显示模式。在此模式下某些字符显示为空格,直到用户选择要显露它们时为止。这种功能可以用于游戏或谜等方面。
    In videotex, a display mode during which certain characters are displayed as spaces until the viewer chooses to reveal them. This facility can be used in games, quizzes, etc.
  • 哈哈,我猜着了。
    Aha, I've got it.
  • 一般来说,俱乐部级比赛,用旋转球拍的办法(先)。
    Generally speaking, at club level, players spin a racket.
  • 谣言引起很多猜测。
    The rumor raised much conjecture.
  • 有三种对焦方式——估,用测距仪及自动对焦。
    There's three types of focusing-guesstimate, rangefinder and autofocus.
  • 有三种对焦方式——估,用测距仪及自动对焦。
    There are three types of focus- guesstimate, rangefinder and autofocus.
  • 我猜你是对的
    I imagine you're right.
  • 合理的争论;合理的疑。
    a reasonable argument; well-founded suspicions.
  • (凭测的)估计;瞎估计;瞎
    Estimate made by combining guessing wih reasoning
  • 结合推理和测的估计。
    an estimate that combines reasoning with guessing.
  • ①作者注:为方便不擅谜的人,以上标牌包含“性越轨”、“牙医”’“讨厌外国车”、“民主车”、“大象”——共和党标志和“政府吸奶”等意思。
    CD For the rebus-impaired, the above tags include 'sexual deviate', ' tooth doctor', ' hate foreign trucks', ' Democrat car', ' elephant', a symbol of the Republican party, and 'Government sucks'.
  • 但是最近有测说,菲亚特集团可能放弃期权,以换取通用汽车公司的现金,调整资本结构。
    But there has been recent speculation Fiat might drop the option in return for cash from GM towards a recapitalization.
  • 当他们结帐走人时,接待员有点窘迫地笑着,一边无端地着他们是怎么避开各自的伴侣过这个周末的。
    As they check out, grinning a little sheepishly, the receptionist wonders idly they've managed to escape their respective spouses for the weekend.
  • 有人说,我们现在有保守派、改革派,这是测。
    Some people say that we have conservative and reformist factions, but that is only conjecture on their part.
  • 甚至回到艾萨克·牛顿时代,科学家就曾测有这样的物体存在。但今天我们知道利用爱因斯坦广义相对论,能更好地描述黑洞。
    Even back in Isaac Newton's time, scientists speculated that such objects could exist, even though we now know they are more accurately described using Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.
  • 后来在议会上应对对手一个接一个的争论时----他在这门技艺上也许是无人可比的----很少有人想得到他在这样的场合显露出的不寻常的准确记忆力,原来是在德雷顿牧区教堂里他父亲的训练之下培养成功的。
    When afterwards replying in succession to the arguments of his parliamentary opponents--an art in which he was perhaps unrivalled--it was little surmised that the extraordinary power of accurate remembrance which he displayed on such occasions had been originally trained under the discipline of his father in the parish church of Drayton.
  • 因此我就测到学科或系的附属课程上去了。
    This made me speculate that it was some adjunct course of study or department.
  • 主要基于测而不是足够的证据。
    based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence.
  • 她活该,我想她是打算利用我来再证明一下这地方闹鬼罢了。
    she richly deserves it. I suppose that she wanted to get another proof that the place was haunted, at my expense.
  • 但我测她不是盖尔的对手。
    But I guess she can't rival Gail.
  • 我无意间碰见谁了?
    Guess who I stumbled across?
  • 大家把老公爵和玛格丽特的亲密关系归之于老年人贪淫好色,这是有钱的老头儿常犯的毛病,人们对他们的关系有各种各样的测,就是未到真情。
    The relationship between the old Duke and the young woman was put down to the salacity which is frequently found in rich old men. People imagined all manner of things, except the truth.
  • "妈,你我今天在童子军学什么啦!"
    “Mom,guess what I learned in Scouts today!”
  •  第二,迷惑、疑能够使一个企业变得脆弱,以致让外敌乘虚而入。
    Secondly, confusion and suspicion will make the organisation vulnerable to external exploitation.
  • 《考克斯报告》攻击中国长时间广泛“窃缺美国的各种军事技术,但通篇从头到尾都用“似乎”、“大概”、“如果”、“可能”、“或许”、“将来或许会”等测性语言,没有任何实质性证据,没有任何确凿的具体的事实,竟然就判定中国有组织地广泛“窃缺美国敏感技术、危害美国国家安全,这是十分荒谬的,这种耸人听闻的结论是站不住脚的。
    The Cox Report attacks China for extensively "stealing" various military technologies of the United States over a long period. But, terms of conjecture such as "seemingly", "presumably", "if", "perhaps", "probably" and "perhaps in the future", can be found throughout the report while offering no substantive evidence. Without any solid, concrete facts, they even claim China "stole" US sensitive technology in an organized and extensive way that threatens the national security of the United States. This is utterly absurd. This sensational conclusion does not hold water.
  • 可能他出了我的心思,因为他对我说:
    It was as though he sensed my wishes, for he said:
  • 读着迪斯尼乐园中那些富有人情味的动物故事长大的绝大多数人,都会认为这两种测是正确的,而且更使他们确信动物能感受到如人类一般的强烈情感。
    Most people, raised on Disney versions of sentient and passionate beasts, would say that these tales, both true, simply confirm their suspicions that animals can feel intense, humanlike emotions.
  • 想他是一名退保军人。
    I guessed that he was an ex-serviceman.
  • 在我骑着马走上前去时,看见他的黑眼睛缩在眉毛下忌地瞅着我。而在我通报自己姓名时.他把手指更深地藏到背心袋里,完全是一副不信任我的神气。刹那间,我对他产生了亲切之感,而他却根本未察觉到。
    He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black eyes withdraw so suspiciously under their brows, as I rode up, and when his fingers sheltered themselves, with a jealous resolution, still farther in his waistcoat, as I announced my name.