  • 硅谷犹如一块磁铁,把许许多多秉赋特出的工程师、科学家、企业家从世界各地聚集来这里,一起追求成名致富,并投身于技术革命的大潮,其影响及于人类,必将远超过划时代的洲文艺复兴和产业革命.。
    Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock to in search of fame, fast money and to participate in a technological revolution whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age.
  • 这部名叫"艾福特曼2"的影片讲述的是在2012年,影片的同名男主角与"本·拉登"相作战的故事。他来到比利时寻求避难,并在盟总部逐渐受到重用。
    The film -- "Afterman 2" -- is set in 2012 and pits the eponymous hero against "bin Laden," who comes to Belgium as an asylum seeker and rises through the ranks of the European Union.
  • 中国的经济,一定要走“节制资本”和“平均地权”的路,决不能是“少数人所得而私”,决不能让少数资本家少数地主“操纵国民生计”,决不能建立美式的资本主义社会,也决不能还是旧的半封建社会。
    China's economy must develop along the path of the "regulation of capital" and the "equalization of landownership", and must never be "privately owned by the few";we must never permit the few capitalists and landlords to "dominate the livelihood of the people";we must never establish a capitalist society of the European-American type or allow the old semi-feudal society to survive.
  • 不过,由于许多美国和洲股票基金经理早前过度减持亚洲股票,故须进行补仓,引发资金再度流入港元。
    The flow of funds quickly reversed as many US and European equity fund managers began to replenish their heavily under-weighted Asian equity portfolios.
  • 文,他叫什么来着,文。斯通?
    Erving. What's he calling, Er Stone?
  • 玛尔·海亚姆,g.a.al-f.
    Ghiyasoddin Abu al-Fath Omar Khayyam (1048~1122)
  • 亚一年生直立草本植物的一个属。
    erect annual Eurasian herbs.
  • 直立的洲越橘,有孤独的花和蓝黑色的浆果。
    erect European blueberry having solitary flowers and blue-black berries.
  • 筷子芥属中的一种直立的水芹,广泛分布于洲。
    or genus Arabis: erect cress widely distributed throughout Europe.
  • 洲西南部的一种直立灌木,花金黄色,成总状花序。
    erect shrub of southwestern Europe having racemes of golden yellow flowers.
  • 火棘属火棘属的一种灌木;洲火棘
    A shrub of the genus Pyracantha; the fire thorn.
  • 高大的金字塔形云杉,原产北,墨绿色树叶,外展形树枝,下垂的小枝条,长的下垂球果。
    tall pyramidal spruce native to northern Europe having dark green foliage on spreading branches with pendulous branchlets and long pendulous cones.
  • 安道尔洲西南部的一个小国,位于法国和比利牛斯山东段的西班牙之间。尽管它每年对其在法国和西班牙的宗主国举行效忠仪式,却是一个独立国家。首都安道尔拉维拉(人口14,928)。全国人口为38,051
    A tiny country of southwest Europe between France and Spain in the eastern Pyrenees. Although it pays nominal yearly homage to its suzerains in France and Spain, it is an independent republic. Andorra la Vella(population,14, 928) is the capital. The country's population is38, 051.
  • 蓍草一种地中海地区的外形较小的(紫菀科南派利吞草)植物,含有一种曾用于减缓牙痛或面部神经痛的易挥发的油
    A small Mediterranean plant(Anacyclus pyrethrum) containing a volatile oil once used for the relief of toothache and facial neuralgia.
  • 洲水蟒;巨蟒;在某些分类中,被认为是与蟒科相独立的一科。
    Old World boas: pythons; in some classifications considered a separate family from Boidae.
  • 与鹌鹑相似但无关的小型洲鸟。
    small Old World birds resembling but not related to true quail.
  • 亚大陆南部和非洲北部象鹌鹑的陆地生小鸟,无后脚趾;被归为涉水鸟类但经常在大草原上栖息。
    small quail-like terrestrial bird of southern Eurasia and North Africa that lacks a hind toe; classified with wading birds but inhabits grassy plains.
  • 鹧鸪多种亚或非洲鸟的任一种鹧鸪,与鹌鹑和松鸡有关并与之相似
    Any of various Eurasian or African birds of the genus Francolinus, related to and resembling the quails and partridges.
  • 奥运会开幕前两年内举行的五个官方“洲资格锦标赛”(非洲、美洲、亚洲、洲和大洋洲)会产生出其不意15名男子和15名女子的参赛名额。
    Ω Fifteen men and 15 women will qualify from the five official Continental Qualifying Tournaments (Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania) held in the 2 years prior to the Olympics.
  • 使有资格在洲的一所大学里执教。
    qualify for teaching at a university in Europe.
  • 他坐飞机到欧洲。
    He goes to Europe by airplane.
  • 香港输往洲联盟、加拿大和美国的纺织品及成衣数量仍受到限制。
    Hong Kong's textiles exports to the European Union, Canada and the United States continued to be subject to certain quantitative restrictions.
  • 他航空邮寄包裹到洲。
    He sent the package by airmail to Europe.
  • 洲的航空邮资是多少?
    What's the airmail rate to Europe?
  • 广泛分布于洲的山雀,其翅膀、尾巴和头冠为明亮的钴蓝色。
    widely distributed European titmouse with bright cobalt blue wings and tail and crown of the head.
  • 类似于洲蕨;分布在澳洲的昆士兰。
    resembles Pteridium aquilinum; of Queensland Australia.
  • 鮊鱼一种体形小的鮊属洲淡水鱼,同鲤鱼有关,其银色的鳞片用于制造人造珍珠
    A small European freshwater fish of the genus Alburnus that is related to the carp and has silvery scales used in the manufacture of artificial pearls.
  • 关于鱼类在澳大利亚,科学家想通过引入转基因的雄鱼以产生大量雄性后代的办法来控制带有侵略性的洲鲤鱼种群。
    Fish story Down in Australia, scientists dream of controlling invasive species like the European carp by introducing males genetically altered to produce mainly male offspring.
  • 鮈鱼一种小型的亚淡水鱼(鮈鱼鲤科),与鲤鱼近缘,用作鱼饵
    A small Eurasian freshwater fish(Gobio gobio) related to the carp and used for bait.
  • 非常象金鱼的洲鲤鱼。
    European carp closely resembling wild goldfish.
  • 洲南部和北非干燥的丛林中的一种小灌木;栽培供欣赏其美丽的花和柔软、芬芳、长有绒毛的常绿叶。
    small shrubs of scrub and dry woodland regions of southern Europe and North Africa; grown for their showy flowers and soft often downy and aromatic evergreen foliage.
  • 科尔蒂纳丹是1956年冬奥会的比赛场地,它是意大利境内阿尔卑斯山区的一个滑雪胜地,一个不折不扣洲风格的市镇,好像是从詹姆斯·邦德电影里搬出来似的。
    Home of the Winter Olympics in 1956, Cortina d' Ampezzo is a ski resort in the Italian Alps. It is a quintessential European town, straight from a James Bond Movie.