  • 發型高貴,穿着幽雅的洛麗塔·揚沿着蠃旋款款走下的那個形象似乎令人難忘:然後,她開始嚮人們介紹1953~1961年期間每周播出的由她主演的電視節目。
    The image seems indelible:Loretta Young,elegantly coiffed and dressed, sweeping down a spiral staircase to introduce each episode of her weekly 1953~ 1961 TV show.
  • 高層建築帶電的多層建築
    A multistoried building equipped with elevators.
  • 我們兩個都在打盹,不料有人來搗亂,那就是約瑟夫放下一個木,它經過一個活門直通閣樓裏:我猜想這就是他上升閣樓之路了。
    We were both of us nodding, ere anyone invaded our retreat, and then it was Joseph, shuffling down a wooden ladder that vanished in the roof, through a trap: the ascent to his garret, I suppose.
  • 金字形神塔古代亞述和巴比倫神殿的塔,形狀似形金字塔,有連續嚮後傾的塔層
    A temple tower of the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians, having the form of a terraced pyramid of successively receding stories.
  • 形一個有兩條平行邊的四邊形
    A quadrilateral having two parallel sides.
  • 不少能幹的女性有“手遮半邊天”的好本事,有者戲稱自己是穿長褲的女人,她們本領高超,入水能遊、出水能跳、打球、拿鋸子和電鑽、爬子換燈泡安電綫、換水喉修馬桶;
    There are a number of capable women who have the ability to create an impact in society. Some of them quip that they are the women in pants. They have outstanding abilities and are versatile - able to swim, jump, play ball games and handle electrical and plumbing works.
  • 他從船欄桿上吊起一架繩
    He suspended a rope-ladder from the rail of the ship.
  • 為安全起見安置在樓或公路旁邊的欄桿。
    a railing placed alongside a stairway or road for safety.
  • 護欄樓或公路上的保護性欄桿
    A protective railing, as on a staircase or along a highway.
  • 消防隊員們有幾種擡高方法控製消防
    he responded with a lift of his eyebrow; fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up.
  • 大廳裏——朱諾在那兒站崗,還有——不,你衹能在樓和過道那兒溜達。
    and the house--Juno mounts sentinel there, and--nay, you can only ramble about the steps and passages.
  • 旅客們走上活動舷登上飛機。
    The passenger walk up the ramp to board the airplane.
  • 科學家曾用移植的大腦微電極和小型的無綫電接受裝置從500多碼以外引導五衹老鼠穿過一個復雜的由子、臺階、鐵圈和坡道組成的迷宮。
    Scientists used brain implants and tiny radio "backpacks" to guide five rats through a complex maze, composed of ladders, steps, hoops and ramps, from a distance of more than 500 yards.
  • 像體操運動員一樣健壯、敏捷;像鹿一樣敏捷;敏捷的手指;步履敏捷;那條老狗非常敏捷,在我們能夠止住它之前,它已經跑上了樓的一半。
    sleek and agile as a gymnast; as nimble as a deer; nimble fingers; quick of foot; the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it.
  • 攀登,爬雲攀登設防的高墻或城垣的行為
    The act of scaling a fortified wall or rampart.
  • 繩給(桅索)紮
    To secure ratlines to(shrouds).
  • 水手們在上岸之前做好了繩
    The sailors finished rattling down before going ashore.
  • 水手們正忙着做索並為靠岸作準備。
    The sailors are busy rattling down and getting ready to go ashore.
  • 埃癸斯托斯厄斯忒斯的兒子,剋呂泰墨斯特拉的情人。協助剋呂泰末絲特拉在其夫阿伽門農從特洛伊戰爭中返回時將他殺害
    The son of Thyestes and lover of Clytemnestra. He helped Clytemnestra kill her husband Agamemnon upon Agamemnon's return from the Trojan War.
  • 他把梯子靠墻放着。
    He set against the ladder against the wall.
  • 把梯子靠在墻上
    place the ladder against the wall
  • 我們得把樓重新裝飾一下。
    We must redecorate the staircase.
  • 2.完善《外商投資企業境內投資的暫行規定》,創造條件,促進沿海的外商投資企業到西部地區再投資,實現産業的度轉移。
    2. To improve the Provisional Regulations on Investment By Foreign-funded Enterprises in China to create conditions for the reinvestment in the west by foreign invested enterprises along the coast and realize the grads transfer of industries.
  • 直到扶載着我們下行了一段,她才略微放鬆下來。
    She relaxed slightly as the stairs moved us downward.
  • 中國的貧睏地區大多地處中西部,資源相對豐富,勞動力成本低,具有承接這種結構度轉移的區位優勢。
    The poor areas, mostly situated in the central and western parts of China, have relatively rich resources and cheap labor, which place them in a locationally advantageous position to respond to such transference.
  • 我拿着鋤頭,戰戰兢兢地重新打開地窖的門,下到樓的底部,心裏一個勁地祈禱着,但願這一切是一場惡夢,毒蛇已經不見了。
    Hoe in hand, I reopened the basement door with dread. I reached the bottom of the stairs hoping it was all a bad dream and the snake would be gone.
  • 布萊,威廉1754-1817英國海軍軍官,任皇傢海軍艦艇邦號船長,在一次駛嚮塔希提島(1789年)的航行中被嘩變船員放逐至海上漂流
    British naval officer who as captain of the H.M.S. Bounty was set adrift by his mutinous crew during a voyage to Tahiti(1789).
  • 鋪在樓上的地毯磨損得很厲害,因而很快就要更換。
    The stair carpet gets a lot of wear and tear and will soon need replacing.
  • 我們暫且先放下不談騰格拉爾如何懷着仇恨,竭力在船主莫雷爾的耳邊講他的同伴的壞話的。且說唐太斯橫過了卡納比埃爾街,順着諾埃尹街轉入梅蘭巷,走進了靠左邊的一傢小房子裏。他在黑暗的樓上一手扶着欄桿,一手按在他那狂跳的心上,急急地奔上了四層樓。他在一扇半開半掩的門前停了下來,那半開的門裏是一個小房間。
    WE WILL LEAVE Danglars struggling with the demon of hatred, and endeavoring to insinuate in the ear of the shipowner some evil suspicions against his comrade, and follow Dantès, who, after having traversed La Canebière, took the Rue de Noailles, and entering a small house, on the left of the Allées de Meillan, rapidly ascended four flights of a dark staircase, holding the baluster with one hand, while with the other he repressed the beatings of his heart, and paused before a half-open door, from which he could see the whole of a small room.
  • 普埃布洛印地安人部落普埃布洛民族永久性村莊或社區,由環繞中心廣場的型設計的多層土磚或石製住房組成
    A permanent village or community of any of the Pueblo peoples, typically consisting of multilevel adobe or stone apartment dwellings of terraced design clustered around a central plaza.
  • 風車靠風力旋轉帶有可調節的葉片或級橫木的輪子所産生的能量來運轉的一種機器
    A machine that runs on the energy generated by a wheel of adjustable blades or slats rotated by the wind.
  • 理查夫人不想嚇唬這可憐的人,所以她很快地藏到樓下的小貯藏室裏。
    Not wanting to frighten the poor man, Mrs Richards quickly hid in the small store room under the stairs.