  • 在过去的几年中,科学家利用一种新型跟踪设备对信天翁的行为进行了监控,才得出了这一惊人的结论,并在本周于伦召开的一个动物学会议上将之公布。
    This alarming conclusion, to be outlined this week at a major zoological conference in London, is based on a new generation of tracking units that have been monitoring the behaviour of these giant birds for the past few years.
  • 早晨,我们还要同我们在得克萨斯州休斯控制中心、亚拉巴马州亨茨维尔操作控制中心和莫斯科俄罗斯控制中心的陆地工作队举行会议,每个控制中心都要向我们提出有关我们工作的问题,或者给我们安排新任务。
    We also have a morning conference with our teams on the ground at Mission Control in Houston,Texas,the Operations Control Center,in Huntsville,Alabama and Russian Mission Control in Moscow.Each control center prepares questions for us about our work or sends us new tasks.
  • 扬斯美国俄亥俄州东北部一城市,位于阿克纪以东,它是一个具有大型生产设备的重要的钢铁制造中心。人口95,732
    A city of northeast Ohio east of Akron. It is a major center of iron and steel production with extensive manufacturing facilities. Population,95, 732.
  • 以我方的确认为条件,现对提洛尔ah22--biff型夏普空调器报价,到伦cif价每台530英镑。连同接货订单,信用证五周内装船。
    We qt. subj. cfmn on sharp aircondition tyrol ah22--biff at l530/unit cif len shpt within 5 wks. aft ret dr l.c.
  • 阿莱恩斯美国俄亥俄州东北部一城市,位于扬斯西南部,1805年教友派教徒定居此地,人口23,376
    A city of northeast Ohio southwest of Youngstown. It was settled by Quakers in1805. Population,23, 376.
  • 我们十点钟离开伦敦
    We leave from london airport at 10: 00.
  • 第四场在伦敦机场
    Scene 4 At London Airport
  • 我想用空邮把这封信寄去伦
    I'd like to send this letter to London by airmail, please.
  • 驻伦的魁北克总代表
    the agent-general for Quebec in London
  • 驻伦的魁北克总代表
    The agent - general for Quebec in London
  • 锡价高于伦金属交易所水平可否减价百分之二?请电复。
    Tin price higherthan lm-level canyon reduce two pct query cable reply.
  • 从香港到古巴,到伦,邦德为了揭开叛徒的面具,防止一场灾难性战争的爆发环行世界。
    From Hong Kong,to Cuba to London,Bond circles the world in his quest to unmask a traitor,and prevent a war of catastrophic proportions.
  • 当旅客认为食物做得好,值得买机票飞来新加坡大快朵颐的时候,他们便会开始把新加坡当成美食天堂,就像我的一些朋友,专程飞往槟城、香港、意大利和伦,只为了满足他们口腹之欲。
    When visitors find the food brilliantly prepared and worth the airfare, they will start to see Singapore as a food paradise. This reminds me of friends who jet to Penang, Hong Kong, Italy and London-just to be belly-happy.
  • 当旅客认为食物做得好,值得买机票飞来新加坡大快朵颐的时候,他们便会开始把新加坡当成美食天堂,就像我的一些朋友,专程飞往槟城、香港、意大利和伦,只为了满足他们口腹之欲。
    When visitors find the food brilliantly prepared and worth the airfare, they will start to see Singapore as a food paradise. This reminds me of friends who jet to Penang, Hongkong, Italy and London-just to be belly-happy.
  • 史:请给我们报cif伦最低价。
    I'd live to have your lowest quotation CIF London.
  • 有一个男孩儿得狂犬病死了。
    Listen to this: a boy in London has died of rabies.
  • 英国大多数的公路是由伦往四周延伸的。
    Most of Britain's motorways radiate from London.
  • 英国多数汽车道都是从伦向四方伸展的。
    Most of Britain 's motorways radiate from London.
  • 他搜遍了伦寻找那本书。
    He ransacked London for the book.
  • 彼得所属在休斯的公司却正濒临倒闭,已取消了绑架保险,故而不能为彼得提供赎金。
    Peter's Houston based employer,however,is on the verge of bankruptcy and has cancelled the kidnapping insurance policy and they cannot provide the money for his ransom.
  • 来自伦北部的威廉是个例外。
    William,18,from north London, is a rarity.
  • 奥运会因第二次世界大战中断了12年之后,于1948年在伦恢复,当时英国正在战后废墟中进行重建,食物仍是限量供应。
    After a 12-year hiatus due to World War II, the Olympic Games resumed in London in 1948 at a time when the United Kingdom was digging out from the ravages of the war and food rationing was still very much the order of the day.
  • 贝基:还有《捕鼠器》,是阿加莎·克里斯蒂写的惊险话剧,在伦已连续上演多年了。
    And there's the Mousterap. It's a thriller by Agatha Christie, which has been on in London for years.
  • 雷蒙说:“伦35岁以下的单身女人是单身男人的3倍。
    Raymond says.:" In London there are three times as single women under 35 as single men.
  • 他今晚不大可能到达伦
    There's little probability of (his) reaching (that he will reach) London tonight.
  • 当英王理查在伦塔内用刀子捅死另一个王的当口,当他动手勒死那两个小孩之前就曾经说过:干正事要紧。
    Business first, pleasure afterward, as King Richard said when he stabbed the other king in the tower, before he smothered the babies.
  • 玛丽·安可以有理由声言她生来就爱打赌。她父亲在伦是有名的登记赌注人,开有几个赌店。
    Mary Ann can reasonably claim to have betting in her blood. Her father is a well-know London bookie with several shops.
  • 在英国诗人当中, 密尔的地位次于莎士比亚。⑩按照
    Milton is placed after Shakespeare among English poets.
  • 史密斯先生吃过早餐后就动身去伦了。
    Mr. Smith left for London after breakfast.
  • 我反对一些人在白厅里所提倡的焦土战术。他们的理由是:由于德国朝伦挺进,我们撤退时,就该烧毁整个农村。
    I rebelled against the "scorched earth" policy which had advocated in Whitehall: their reasoning was that as the Germans advanced inland towards London, we should burn and destroy the countryside as we retreated.
  • 10天后,她在白宫接见了11位逃亡的阿富汗妇女并促政治领导人在重建阿富汗时牢记人权并重视妇女地位。
    Ten days later she met in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House with 11 exiled Afghan women and urged political leaders to remember human rights and the status of women in establishing a post? Taliban government.
  • 我是南西·琼斯,我想再确定一下我订的班机十月八日十时从伦飞往杜斯多夫的305班次。
    My name is Nancy Jones. I'd like to reconfirm my reservation on flight 305 for Dusseldorf, leaving London at 10 o'clock, October the 8th.