  • 那個撿破爛的從街上東撿西撿,居然積了一筆可觀的傢産。
    That rag-picker scraped together quiet a property out of the street.
  • 並儲存一些備用的物品。
    accumulating and storing a reserve supply.
  • 他攢了不少錢。
    He has got quite a bit salted away.
  • 她已了夠買一幢房子的錢。
    She has salted down enough money to buy a house.
  • 他因工作努力而下了很多財富。
    He accumulated great wealth by hard work.
  • 霍伯森說,調查顯示54%的女人衹在乎自己是否擁有30雙風格各異的鞋子,而並不在乎是否已經足了3萬美元的退休金。
    "The study found that 54 percent of women said they expect to accumulate 30 pairs of shoes before they save $30,000 for retirement," said Hobson.
  • 二十一點一種紙牌遊戲,目的是積紙牌點數多於發牌者的計數但不超過21
    A card game in which the object is to accumulate cards with a higher count than that of the dealer but not exceeding21.
  • 麥剋萊恩到一傢加油站去工作,錢買了一輛二手卡車,辦起了一個很氣派的麥剋萊恩運輸公司。
    Mr McLean got a job at a petrol station and saved enough money to buy a secondhand lorry, calling himself, grandly, the McLean Trucking Company.
  • 他的目光落在了一個嬌小美麗的身軀,一大堆金色的秀發,一雙用詢問的神色迎接着他的藍色眼睛,還有一個那麽年輕光潔、卻具有那麽獨特的能力、可以時而擡起時而聚的前額上。那額頭所露出的表情不完全是睏惑、迷惘或是驚覺,也不僅僅是一種聰明集中的專註,不過它也包括了這四種表情。他一看到這一切,眼前便突然閃過一種強烈的似曾相識之感。那是一個孩子,他在跨越那海峽時曾抱在懷裏的孩子。那天很冷,空中冰雹閃掠,海裏濁浪排空。那印象消失了,可以說像呵在她身後那窄而高的穿衣鏡上的一口氣一樣消失了。鏡框上是像到醫院探視病人的一群黑種小愛神,全都缺胳膊少腿,有的還沒有腦袋,都在嚮黑皮膚的女神奉獻盛滿死海水果的黑色花籃--他嚮曼內特小姐鄭重地鞠躬致敬。
    As his eyes rested on a short, slight, pretty figure, a quantity of golden hair, a pair of blue eyes that met his own with an inquiring look, and a forehead with a singular capacity (remembering how young and smooth it was of lifting and knitting itself into an expression that was not quite one of perplexity, or wonder, or alarm or merely of a bright fixed attention, though is included all the four expressions--as his eyes rested on these things, a sudden vivid likeness passed before him, of a child whom he had held in his arms on the passage across that very Channel, one cold time, when the hail drifted heavily and the sea ran high. The likeness passed away, like a breath along the surface of the gaunt pier-glass behind her, on the frame of which, a hospital procession of negro cupids, several head-less and all cripples, were offering black baskets of Dead Sea fruit to black divinities of the feminine gender--and he made his formal bow to Miss Manette.
  • 掙錢容易攢錢難。
    It is easier to get money than to keep it.
  • 有時我們為了個冰淇淋蛋捲就要好幾天的錢。
    Sometimes we'd have to save up days just for an ice cream cone.
  • 一個要負擔一大傢子生活的人,通常要為自己的晚年積些錢也是很難的。
    It is not always possible for a working-man with a large family to put something aside for his declining years.
  • 他們所能背誦的書,也沒有和五孫捨兩樣,大舅爺還把後妃不妒忌子孫衆多的螽斯一篇詩,替妹子講解,他舉起右手五個指頭,簇的蠕動,形容那子孫蟄蟄的意思,這時候,五孫捨也不由得笑了,真正同情她的,還是四孫捨和六孫捨。
    The maxim was something which they had chanted so often and they were therefore not any different from their brother 5th Sun-she. 4th Sun-she then explained the poem about the queen : how, by not being jealous of the king's concubines, Zhong-si was blessed with innumerable children in the end. In making the point to his sister-in-law, 4th Sun-she held out his right hand and started to wriggle his cluster of five fingers to depict the swarms of children. By this time, even 5th Sun-she was amused into laughter. When all is said and done, it was still 4th Sun-she and 6th Sun-she who sympathized with her.
  • 序詩霍然中止,衹見萬頭動,紛紛轉嚮那個乞丐,而這叫花子並不感到難堪,反而覺得此事倒是一個良機,正好可以撈一把,遂眯起眼睛,裝出一副可憐相,張口說道:“行行好,請行行好吧!”
    The prologue broke off short, and all heads turned suddenly towards the beggar, who, far from being disconcerted, only saw in this incident an excellent opportunity for gathering a harvest, and at once began whining in a piteous voice with half-closed eyes: “Charity, I pray you!
  • 下多餘的錢以備急用
    Keep extra money for emergencies.
  • 了錢以備急用,真是有遠見呀。
    providently, he had saved up some money for emergencies.
  • 點什麽以備不時之需,這種老習慣現在幾乎蕩然無存,因為人們看到由於通貨膨脹,這種積越來越沒有價值了。
    The old habit of saving a little something against a rainy day has almost entirely disappeared as people see the value of such saving continuously eroded by inflation.
  • 我們開始錢給自己買一對情侶鸚鵡,羽毛輕軟的那種。
    And one day we started saving up for a couple of lovebirds of our own: the feathery kind.
  • 職業生涯精彩部分:從孩提時代起就住在喬治亞州的磨房小鎮,他靠養雞來零花錢。
    Resume highlights: As a kid, living in a Georgia mill town, he raised chickens for spending money.
  • 他們不太花錢,所以我想他們一定都積起來了。
    They don't spend much, so I suppose they just hoard it all up.
  • 這位可憐的老死後,人們在他的床下發現了他一點點兒積的20,000美元。
    After the poor old man died, people found20,000 dollars under his laid by.
  • “到現在我做模特已經有一段時間了,我和別人一樣起步——慢慢錢,訪問不同的公司,做一些零活,逐漸開拓出自己的道路。”
    " I have been modelling for quite a while now, and I started where everyone else does by building up my book, visiting different companies, doing small jobs, working my way up."
  • 她攢足力量迎接考驗
    Mustering up her strength for the ordeal.
  • 這一整筆錢。三萬金元,如今能買到的東西,還抵不上他做孩子的時候,下的一角錢所能買到的東西呢,譬如說。糖果、花生或都一張樓廳後座的戲票。
    Why, thirty thousand, lump sum, wouldn't buy for him right now what ten cents he was layin' up would have brought him, when he was a kid, in the way of candy and peanuts or a seat in nigger heaven.
  • 利用他積起來的資金,他把房子改造成一所孤兒院。
    With the capital he had saved, he converted the house into an orphanage.
  • 自從得了那份工作以來,她一直在錢。
    She's been piling up money ever since she got the job.
  • 他最初的資本來自賣蘇打汽水、送報紙、安裝彈球遊戲機而下的積蓄。
    He started with all the money he had made from selling pop, delivering papers, and operating pinball machines.
  • 這兩年我省吃儉用足了錢,以便去看望我在澳大利亞的父母。
    By pinching and scraping for the last two years I've saved enough money to visit my parents in Australia.
  • 財迷一個一心想積錢財的人
    One who is intent on or preoccupied with accumulating money.
  • 她不得不為付假期的費用而苦苦錢。
    She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday.
  • 她們的母親小心謹慎的地方——錢或將錢花在她們的子女身上——女人們現在認為花錢為她們買樂趣,放縱自己是對的,那就花吧。
    Where their mothers would have been cautious saved their money or spent it on their kids women now think it's OK to buy themselves treats, to indulge themselves, just spend money.
  • 在德黑蘭有一個青年,由於厭倦了在地板上睡覺,多年來錢買了一張真正的床。
    Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed.