  • 伏尔泰法国哲学家和作家,其作品是启蒙时代的代表,常常攻击不公正和不容。他著有老实人(1759年)和哲学辞典(1764年)
    French philosopher and writer whose works epitomize the Age of Enlightenment, often attacking injustice and intolerance. He wrote Candide(1759) and the Philosophical Dictionary(1764).
  • 想当初,罗贝尔·塞纳利曾把巴黎圣母院比做埃费索斯的著名的狄安娜神庙——被古代异教徒奉若神明并使埃罗斯特拉图斯名字永留于世——,认为圣母院这座高卢人大教堂“在长度、度、高度和结构上都远胜一筹”。
    How far it is from the epoch when Robert Cenalis, comparing Notre-Dame de Paris to the famous temple of Diana at Ephesus, *so much lauded by the ancient pagans*, which Erostatus *has* immortalized, found the Gallic temple "more excellent in length, breadth, height, and structure."
  • 这间厅刚装修过,设备优良,又很敞。
    It's well equipped and spaious.
  • 她政治上保守,而我却比较开明容。
    She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al.
  •  这个名为"金字塔漫游者"的机器人12厘米,30厘米长,其高度还可在11厘米到28厘米之间调节。
    The robot "Pyramid Rover", measured 12cm wide and 30cm long and had a height that varied from 11cm to 28cm.
  •  "金字塔漫游者"沿着、高均为20厘米的通道上行65米后,被一扇石门阻挡,无法继续前行。机器人在石门上钻开一个小洞,将摄像机插入孔内,希望可以拍摄到隐藏在石门后的神秘物。
    "Pyramid Rover" crawled about 65 metres up a 20 by 20cm tunnel before drilling a hole in a stone door and then inserting a camera to film what lurked inside.
  • 机场的候机室很敞,空气很好。
    The waiting-room at the airport was airy and spacious.
  • 哦,房间很敞,空气也很流通。
    Oh, it's roomy and airy.
  • 高高的天花板给人一种通风和敞的感觉。
    A high ceiling gives a feeling of airiness and spaciousness.
  • 但ldap不像dap那样,为了保留网络带,限制x.500目录一次查询的应答数量。
    But unlike DAP, LDAP limits the number of replies from an X.500 directory query in an effort to conserve network bandwidth.
  • (六)拓资金筹集渠道,加快社会保障体系建设。
    Widening the Channel of Fund-raising and Quickening the Pace of the Construction of Social Security System.
  • 进一步放了进口限制,到1995年底中国已取消协议项下826个税号商品的进口许可证和配额控制。
    Import restriction was further eased and by the end of 1995, China had rescinded import licensing and quota control over 826 tariff lines.
  •  在十多年的扶贫开发过程中,少数民族贫困地区除享受其他贫困地区扶贫开发的优惠政策外,还享受国家制定的一系列特殊政策:(一)放标准,扩大对少数民族地区的扶持范围。
    During the help-the-poor efforts in the past decade or so, poverty-stricken minority areas have enjoyed the preferential help-the-poor policy offered by the Chinese government to other poverty-stricken areas, as well as a series of special policies formulated by the state: (1) Expanding the sphere of aiding the minority areas.
  • 大部分是基叶的肉质植物;其枝干带有一对的卵形或心形叶子,另外一个--朵白花的总状花序;生长于北美西部。
    succulent plant with mostly basal leaves; stem bears 1 pair of broadly ovate or heart-shaped leaves and a loose raceme of 3-10 white flowers; western North America.
  • 秃得乱七八糟的头顶周围的头发却长得又黑又硬,向四面支棱开,又顺着前额往下长,几乎到了那阔扁平的鼻子面前。
    Except on the crown, which was raggedly bald, he had stiff black hair, standing jaggedly all over it, and growing down hill almost to his broad, blunt nose.
  • 这座神塔由一系列的方形平台组成,长长的斜坡通向一个阔的高台。考古学家认为,在这个高台上,曾建有一座神殿,屋顶是由闪闪发光的黄金造的,人们在这里膜拜月神。
    The Ziggurat is a series of square platforms,with long ramps leading to a broad podium upon which,archaeologists believe,there once stood a shrine with a roof of burnished gold from which the people worshipped the Moon.
  • 一种软顶边的帽子;供美国牧场工人戴。
    a wide-brimmed hat with a soft crown; worn by American ranch hands.
  • 敞的提供巨大范围的;空间大的
    Providing ample range; roomy.
  • 它用一种崇高、更厚的观点去影响那些由来已久的、固有的、进攻性的情绪,从而有助于实现世界和平。
    It tends to insure peace by giving those ancient and innate feeling of aggressiveness a nobler and more generous outlook.
  • 对那个强奸犯的大判决引起了强烈的抗议,以致在下院中也提出了质问,许多人要求修改法律。
    The lenient sentence passed on the convicted rapist caused such a hue and cry that questions were asked in the House of Commons and many people demanded a change in the law.
  • 一幅电图象的长比。广播电视的标准是4∶3。
    The ratio of the width to the height of an electronic image. For broadcast television, the standard aspect ratio is4∶3.
  • 辔头一种绳索或生皮笼头,带有一条带,可以用来遮住马的眼睛,用于勒停马匹
    A rope or rawhide halter with a wide band that can be lowered over a horse's eyes, used in breaking horses to a bridle.
  • 百万行一种宣传广告品的单位,等于现在一百万份出版物上的一行一栏的报纸广告行
    A unit of advertising copy equal to one agate line one column wide printed in one million copies of a publication.
  • 情爱之中的双方相互珍爱,精心培育两人关系中的积极方面,同时也容彼此的缺点。
    Partners in agape cherish each other, nurturing the positive aspects of their relationship and tolerating its failings.
  • 欧亚小形草本植物,有叶子和暗粉紫色花;常生长在潮湿地区。
    small Eurasian herb having broad leaves and lilac-pink rayless flowers; found in moist areas.
  • 後来她容了些, 让孩子们晚睡看电视.
    Afterwards she relented and let the children stay up late to watch TV.
  • 这种合理近情的态度造成了一种恕的哲学,觉得人类的任何错误和谬行,无论是法律的,道德的,或政治的,都可以认为是“一般的人类天性”(或“人之常情”),而获得恕,至少有教养的,心胸旷达的,依合理近情的精神而生活的学者是抱这种态度的。
    This reasonable attitude creates such a forgiving kind of philosophy that, at least to a cultured, broadminded scholar who lives according to the spirit of reasonableness, any human error or misbehavior whatsoever, legal or moral or political, which can be labeled as "common human nature" (more literally, "man's normal passions"), is excusable.
  • 安慰的话,心的话某些没有内在补救作用的东西,仅仅用来安慰他人
    Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another.
  • 有一次,当斯蒂菲娜老姑听说我们决定再过两年结婚时,露出了失望的神色,但一听说我的父母亲都对这门亲事满意时,她又放了心。
    Once she was somewhat disappointed on hearing that we had decided to wait for two years before getting married, but when she learned that my father and mother were both pleased with the match she seemed reassured.
  • 为了纾解民困,以及为经济复苏提供必要条件,特区政府今年内已经作出了多项税务减以及推出了一系列专为纾缓市民困难的措施,包括退还差饷和设立协助中小型企业的信贷保证基金。
    The Government has put forward a number of measures aimed at easing pressure on the public and creating the conditions necessary for economic revival. These included substantial tax cut, rate rebate and the setting up of a fund to assist small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • 这些豪华公馆的前面,尽管有若干暗绿色的破房子濒临水边,却遮不住公馆正面的美丽棱角,遮不住公馆大的石框方形格子窗、堆满塑像的尖拱门廊、棱角总是那样分明的墙垣的尖脊,也遮不住所有这一切美妙的建筑奇珍。正是这些建筑奇珍,才使得峨特艺术看来又重新与每座宏伟建筑物结合在一起。
    A few miserable,greenish hovels, hanging over the water in front of these sumptuous Hotels, did not prevent one from seeing the fine angles of their facades, their large, square windows with stone mullions, their pointed porches overloaded with statues,the vivid outlines of their walls, always clear cut, and all those charming accidents of architecture, which cause Gothic art to have the air of beginning its combinations afresh with every monument.
  • 现正计划拆除这幢旧大楼以拓马路。
    There is a plan afoot to pull down the old building so as to widen the street.