  • 这些都证明红军兵中的绝对平均主义还很严重。
    Absolute equalitarianism, as shown in these examples, is still very serious among officers and soldiers of the Red Army.
  • 由于全国被监禁的人数爆涨,管教员和情绪不正常的人的家属对把精神病患者关进监狱所带来的问题感到担忧,被专家们称为精神病犯罪的情况已经发展成为一个严重问题。
    What experts call the criminalization of the mentally ill has grown as an issue as the nation's inmate population has exploded and as corrections officials and families of the emotionally disturbed have become alarmed by the problems posed by having the mentally ill behind bars.
  • 1953年,在姐姐伊丽莎白的加冕仪式上,玛格丽特帮皇家空军成员、已故父王的侍从武汤森除去军服上的一个线头,这一瞬间的亲昵举动暴露了一个隐藏两年的秘密:22岁的公主与38岁的汤森相爱。当时汤森刚刚离婚,是两个孩子的父亲。
    At her sister's 1953 coronation Margaret sparked a scandal by brushing a bit of lint off the uniform of Townsend, a member of the Royal Air Force and equerry to her late father. The momentary, intimate flick exposed a two-year-old secret:The princess, 22, and Townsend, 38 and the newly divorced father of two sons, were having an affair.
  • 首席法美国一些州衡平法院的首席法
    The presiding judge of a court of chancery or equity in some states of the United States.
  • 模棱两可的声明;投票选举对可能获选的女性候选人具有复杂而又含糊的意义;政府员暧昧的行为增加了受害人的不安;流行是一个有歧义的桂冠;对尴尬的问题做出的模糊反应。
    an equivocal statement; the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates; the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness; popularity is an equivocal crown; an equivocal response to an embarrassing question.
  • 中华人民共和国的建立,在中国大陆上铲除了帝国主义、封建主义和僚资本主义势力,结束了中国一百多年来任人宰割、受尽欺凌的屈辱历史和长期战乱、一盘散少的动荡局面,实现了人民梦寐以求的国家独立和统一。
    The founding of the People's Republic of China eradicated the forces of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism in the Chinese mainland, put an end to the nation's history of dismemberment, oppression and humiliation at the hands of alien powers for well over a century and to long years of turbulence characterized by incessant war and social disunity, and realized the people's cherished dream of national independence and unification.
  • -采取特别措施来应付非洲消除贫穷和促进可持续发展的挑战,包括取消债务,改善市场准入条件,增加方发展援助,增加外国直接投资的流入量以及转让技术。
    To take special measures to address the challenges of poverty eradication and sustainable development in Africa, including debt cancellation, improved market access, enhanced Official Development Assistance and increased flows of Foreign Direct Investment, as well as transfers of technology.
  • 他们之间早期的联系是秘密进行的。伊拉克的高级情报员与基地组织有联系。
    Early Al Qaida ties were forged by secret, high-level intelligence service contacts with Al Qaida, secret Iraqi intelligence high-level contacts with Al Qaida.
  • 伊拉克的员否认其与基地组织的联系。
    Iraqi officials deny accusations of ties with Al Qaida.
  • 角锥性器形状象角锥的结构和部分
    A structure or part suggestive of a pyramid in shape.
  • 他们正努力的目标一部分将在华盛顿,因为在那里,联邦健康部门的员正要开始修订已有11年历史的国家食物指南金字塔。
    Part of the consortium's push will be in Washington, where federal health officials are starting talks on revisions to the nation's 11-year-old Food Guide Pyramid.
  • 耐心是海岸警卫队船长们的必要条件,指挥们似乎都有极大的耐心。
    Patience is a very necessary qualification for coastguard skippers; the commanders appear to have patience of job.
  • 他有资格当法官。
    He qualified himself as a judge.
  • 它的主要表现和危害是:高高在上,滥用权力,脱离实际,脱离群众,好摆门面,好说空话,思想僵化,墨守陈规,机构臃肿,人浮于事,办事拖拉,不讲效率,不负责任,不守信用,公文旅行,互相推诿,以至气十足,动辄训人,打击报复,压制民主,欺上瞒下,专横跋扈,徇私行贿,贪赃枉法,等等。
    Its harmful manifestations include the following: standing high above the masses, abusing power, divorcing oneself from reality and the masses; spending a lot of time and effort to put up an impressive front;Indulging in empty talk; Sticking to a rigid way of thinking; Being hidebound by convention; Overstaffing administrative organs; Being dilatory, inefficient and irresponsible; Failing to keep one's word; Circulating documents endlessly without solving problems; Shifting responsibility to others; And even assuming the airs of a mandarin, reprimanding other people at every turn, vindictively attacking others, suppressing democracy, deceiving superiors and subordinates, being arbitrary and despotic, practising favouritism, offering bribes, participating in corrupt practices in violation of the law, and so on.
  • 这样,就可以避免沾染气,就可以避免脱离群众、脱离实际,就可以使我们的国家坚持社会主义制度、并在将来发展到共产主义的道路上去,就可以使我们党坚持马克思列宁主义的原则。
    Only by so doing can we pay more attention to upholding the Party's fine traditions, avoid being tainted with bureaucratic airs, and keep from becoming divorced from the masses and reality. Only thus can China adhere to the socialist system and advance along the road to communism, and can our Party uphold Marxist-Leninist principles.
  • 曼丽的几位妹妹,本在房间那头和卢家小姐们在一起,正在跟两三个军跳舞跳得起劲,曼丽奏完了一支很长的协奏曲之后,她们便要求她再奏几支苏格兰和爱尔兰小调,她也高高兴兴地照办了,为的是要博得别人的夸奖和感激。
    and Mary, at the end of a long concerto, was glad to purchase praise and gratitude by Scotch and Irish airs, at the request of her younger sisters, who, with some of the Lucases and two or three officers, joined eagerly in dancing at one end of the room.
  • 奥运会开幕前两年内举行的五个方“洲资格锦标赛”(非洲、美洲、亚洲、欧洲和大洋洲)会产生出其不意15名男子和15名女子的参赛名额。
    Ω Fifteen men and 15 women will qualify from the five official Continental Qualifying Tournaments (Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania) held in the 2 years prior to the Olympics.
  • 但是,进了城,执了政,做的条件是具备的,这就最容易沾染气。事实上,我们许多同志确实已经沾染了不少气。
    Now that we have entered the cities and come to power, we are in a position to become officeholders, and it would be all too easy for us to take on bureaucratic airs.
  • 我们不能摆官架子。
    We must not put on bureaucratic airs.
  • 他从来不摆官架子。
    He never puts on official airs.
  • 机场员检查了这批货物。
    Airport official inspect the shipment.
  • 有机官能团定量分析
    quantitative analysis of organic functional groups
  • 一个军衔在下士之上、陆、海军陆战队上士之下,或者一级空军飞行员之上的士
    a noncommissioned officer ranking above corporal and below sergeant first class in the army or marines or above airman 1st class in the air force.
  • 昆腾公司首席执行塞德-侯塞因说,通用公司想成为"第一家生产一百万辆使用燃料电池汽车并投放使用"的公司。
    GM wants to be "the first company to put one million fuel cell vehicles on the road," said Quantum chief executive Syed Hussain.
  • 前联邦航空局事故调查部门负责人约翰·卡拉汉说,中央情报局员曾指示他隐瞒1986年11月18日一架日本民航客机在阿拉斯加州安克雷奇附近遭遇一不明飞行物的真相。
    John Callahan,a former FAA division chief of accidents and investigations,said he was directed by CIA officers to cover up a Nov.18,1986,incident involving a UFO and a Japanese airliner near Anchorage,Alaska.
  • 接踵而来的告急信使令将军的邸一片惊慌。
    Urgent messengers beat up the general’s quarters.
  • 上诉法院的法撤销了对他们的判决。
    They have their sentence quash by the appeal court judge.
  • 上诉法院的法撤销了对他们的判决
    They had their sentence quashed by the appeal court judge.
  • 高等法院的法撤销下一级法院的判决。
    The high court judge quashed the decision of the lower court.
  • 的裁决被撤消了,他们的入狱判决被驳回了。
    The judge's verdict was quashed and their prison sentences set aside.
  • 特区政府和内地方在不同层面保持密切联系,除了通过粤港合作联席会议和内地与香港特别行政区商贸联系委员会等渠道外,各决策局、部门以及如香港贸易发展局等半方机构,亦经常与内地的相关部门保持接触。
    It maintains close contact with the Mainland authorities at different levels, including the HK/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference, the Mainland/HKSAR Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade, and through various bureaux, departments and quasi-government bodies like the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC).
  • 我将就此要求向指挥询问。
    I shall have to query the request with head officer.