Chinese English Sentence:
  • :本后奥运会期间,圣火还有个插曲呢。
    Jeff: During the 21st Olympic Games, there was an episode re-garding the lighting of the sacred flame.
  • 安妮:杰夫,游完泳了?
    It is also the needs of the epoch.
  • 变得强硬的渔;这个农,黑皮肤,瘦脸,能适应强风-罗伯特.林德;我们的继承者…可以是雕刻师,是更坚强和更稳定的人-v.s普瑞切特。
    hardened fishermen; a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured- Robert Lynd; our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men- V.S.Pritchett.
  • 给优者不利条件在英国,高尔球中为均等取胜机会,让优等选手进行障碍性击球或让低等选手击球数减一次的有利机会
    In Great Britain, a golfing handicap of one stroke given to a superior player or an advantage of one stroke taken away from an inferior player's score in order to equalize the chances of winning.
  • 星座一个在天赤道区靠近武仙座和天蝎座的星座
    A constellation in the equatorial region near Hercules and Scorpius.
  • 当年杜塞尔多的市民得知没有足够的合金来建成他们爱戴的詹·威廉王子的骑马雕像时,他们捐出了自家的银器。
    Silver spoons were donated by the citizens of Dusseldorf when they learned that insufficient alloy was avail-able to complete their equestrian statue of popular prince Jan Wellem.
  • 她的丈阿兰,还有一个3岁的孩子里安则单独出售。
    Her husband, Alan, and 3-year-old child Ryan are sold separately.
  • 我们两个都在打盹,不料有人来捣乱,那就是约瑟放下一个木梯,它经过一个活门直通阁楼里:我猜想这就是他上升阁楼之路了。
    We were both of us nodding, ere anyone invaded our retreat, and then it was Joseph, shuffling down a wooden ladder that vanished in the roof, through a trap: the ascent to his garret, I suppose.
  • 不伦瑞克俄亥俄州东北部一城市,克利兰和阿克隆的一近郊住宅区。人口28,230
    A city of northeast Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland and Akron. Population,28, 230.
  • 印度的寡妇自愿在丈葬礼的柴堆上焚烧自己。
    the act of a Hindu widow willingly cremating herself on the funeral pyre of her dead husband.
  • 那医生是个蒙古大,应该被检举。
    That doctor is just a quack, he shall be reported.
  • 他是一个合格的大
    He is a qualified doctor.
  • 著名的古斯塔·哈梅尔就是承担这项先驱任务的飞行员之一,他驾驶的是布雷里奥式单翼飞机。
    One of the airmen engaged in this pioneer service was the famous Gustav Hamel, flying a Beriot monoplane, and t remember going out one afternoon to see him start off with one of the bags of mail.
  • 老夫妻吵架
    An old Couple's quarrel
  • 一场争吵使一对年轻妇分离了。
    A quarrel dissevered the young couple.
  • 潘趣传统滑稽木偶剧潘趣与朱迪中爱惹事生非的鹰钩鼻的木偶形象,是朱迪的丈
    The quarrelsome hook-nosed husband of Judy in the comic puppet show Punch and Judy.
  • :警方在法国西南小城帕米尔斯对驻扎在当地的荷兰车队tvm进行突然检查。
    Jeff: The police undertook a sudden search to the Dutch TVM team, which was quartered at Pamils, a small town in southwest France.
  • 15岁那年,他参加约瑟·兰纳(1801—1843)的咖啡馆四重奏乐队。兰纳本人就是一个杰出的圆舞曲作曲家。
    At the age of fifteen he joined the cafe quartet of Joseph Lanner (1801-1843), himself an outstanding waltz composer.
  • 海顿,弗朗兹·约瑟1732-1809奥地利作曲家,莫扎特的同时代人,对古典交响乐的发展产生过重大影响,除了歌剧和协奏曲外,他还写了大量的交响乐和弦乐四重奏
    Austrian composer who exerted great influence on the development of the classical symphony. A contemporary of Mozart, he wrote numerous symphonies and string quartets as well as operas and concertos.
  • 不是一个经不起打击的人,他十分坚强。
    Dave is not a nervous wreck, but as tough as an old boot.
  • 她遭丈遗弃後精神有点失常。
    She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her.
  • 伊阿宋美狄亚的丈,夺取金羊毛的阿尔戈英雄们的首领
    The husband of Medea and leader of the Argonauts who went in quest of the Golden Fleece.
  • (希腊神话)美狄亚的丈,寻找金羊毛的阿尔戈英雄的领导。
    (Greek mythology) the husband of Medea and leader of the Argonauts who sailed in quest of the Golden Fleece.
  • 赫奇博士和他的同事,伊利诺伊州大学的查尔斯·沃尔均发现克林顿先生在被问及与菜温斯基小姐的关系的尴尬问题时,频繁地躲避提问者的注视,变得张口结舌而且比平时更频繁地触摸鼻子。
    Dr Hirsch and his colleague Charles Wolf of the University of Illinois both spotted that Mr. Clinton frequently broke the questioner's gaze, became tongue-tied and touched his nose far more often than normal when asked awkward questions about his relationship with Miss Lewinsky.
  • 我丈和我都很忙,我们只有时间草草完事
    My husband and I are so busy that we only have time for quickie
  • 有些西方观察家认为,苏联的经济问题是[西方的]机会。戈尔巴乔的经济困境越深,西方越能利用贸易和科技转让诱使苏联在外交上收敛,或在军备控制及人权方面获得进展。另有些人,包括英国首相撒切尔人的观点是:假定不需任何交换行动,经济改革“对西方有利”。
    Some observers in the West see the Soviet economic problems as opportunities. The worse Mr.Gorbachev's economic bind, the more the West can use trade and technology transfers as inducements for Soviet diplomatic restraint, or progress on arms control and human rights. Others, including Prime Minister Thatcher of Britain, view successful economic reforms as "in the Western interest," presumably without any such quid pro quo.
  • 聋夫瞎妻得安宁。
    A husband must be deaf and the wife blind to have quietness.
  • 他很怪,把自己的妻子称作史密斯
    He has a strange quirk of addressing his wife as Mrs. Smith
  • 他很怪,把自己的妻子称作史密斯人。
    He have a strange quirk of addressing his wife as Mrs Smith.
  • 那位妻子拉着丈的手立刻松开了,她的头垂下来,那男人的嘴唇开始颤抖,他靠近售票口又问了一遍,“您刚才说多少钱?”
    The man's wife let go of his hand, her head dropped, the man's lip began to quiver. The father leaned a little closer and asked, " How much did you say?"
  • 福斯塔可以说是一位堂·吉河德式的人物,但又不完全像堂·吉诃德,等等。
    Falstaff is a sort of Don Quixote, yet not quite like Don Quixote, etc.
  • 出于对柴可斯基的音乐的深切爱好,冯·梅克大人安排了一份高达3000美元的年金赠送给这位赤贫、多病的作曲家。
    Out of profound admiration for his music, Mme,von Meck settled an annuity amounting to $ 3, 000 on the destitute arid ailing composer.