  • 变得强硬的渔夫;这个夫,黑皮肤,瘦脸,能适应强风-罗伯特.林德;我们的继承者…可以是雕刻师,是更坚强和更稳定的人-v.s普瑞切特。
    hardened fishermen; a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured- Robert Lynd; our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men- V.S.Pritchett.
  • 9.把业和工业结合起来,促使城乡对立逐步消灭。
    9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
  • 再者,土地的需求,尤其是为了业和林业,最初集中在土壤最肥沃和气候温和的地区,而这些地方经常是生物种类最丰富的地方。
    Moreover, land acquisition, especially for agriculture and forestry, focuses initially on those areas with the most fertile soils and equable climates, which are often the areas of greatest biological diversity.
  • 绝对平均主义的来源,和政治上的极端民主化一样,是手工业和小经济的产物,不过一则见之于政治生活方面,一则见之于物质生活方面罢了。
    Absolute equalitarianism, like ultra-democracy in political matters, is the product of a handicraft and small peasant economy -- the only difference being that the one manifests itself in material affairs, while the other manifests itself in political affairs.
  • 纠正的方法:应指出绝对平均主义不但在资本主义没有消灭的时期,只是民小资产者的一种幻想;就是在社会主义时期,物质的分配也要按照“各尽所能按劳取酬”的原则和工作的需要,决无所谓绝对的平均。
    The method of correction: We should point out that, before the abolition of capitalism, absolute equalitarianism is a mere illusion of peasants and small proprietors, and that even under socialism there can be no absolute equality, for material things will then be distributed on the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" as well as on that of meeting the needs of the work.
  • 民万岁,这些人也算作万岁吗?”富表示很大的惶惑。
    "What?" wondered the rich peasants, greatly perplexed and alarmed, "'Long live the peasants!'Are these people now to be regarded as emperors?"
  • 这时,富才开始惶惑起来。
    It was only then that the rich peasants began to get perplexed and alarmed.
  • 例如,生物科学方面的合成牛胰岛素、酵母丙氨酸转移核糖核酸的人工合成,业科学方面的杂交水稻,高能物理方面的正负电子对撞机,以及原子弹、氢弹和每秒1亿次运算的巨型计算机等的研制,“长征3号”运载火箭的发射,卫星通讯和超导研究等,这些方面都已跃居或接近国际先进水平。
    In biological science, Chinese scientists succeeded in making synthetic bovine insulin and in converting yeast alanine into synthetic ribonucleic acid (RNA); in agricultural science, experiments in hybrid paddy rice have been successful; in high-energy physics, an electron-positron collider was constructed; other achievements in high technology are represented by the successful explosion of atomic and hydrogen bombs, the making of super-computers capable of 100 million calculations per second, the launching of the Long March III carrier rocket and the research in satellite telecommunications and superconductivity. In all these fields, China has either reached or approached advanced world levels.
  • 在那个贫穷的民眼里,超级市场藏有巨大的财富。
    To the poor peasant, the supermarket was an Aladdin’s cave.
  • 合理负担即实行“有钱者出钱”,但民亦须供给一定限度的粮食与游击队。
    The equitable distribution of the financial burden means that "those with money should contribute money", while the peasants should supply the guerrilla units with grain within certain limits.
  • 那时,在改造业方面我们提倡建立互助组和小型合作社,规模比较小,分配也合理,所以粮食生产得到增长,民积极性高。
    At the time, in our effort to transform agriculture, we advocated establishing mutual aid teams and small cooperatives. Since they were small and distribution among the peasants was equitable, the output of grain increased and peasants' enthusiasm for production was enhanced.
  • 多森美国亚拉巴马州东南部城市,靠近佛罗里达州边界。1885年建立,是一个大业区的贸易中心。人口53,589
    A city of southeast Alabama near the Florida border. Settled in1885, it is a trading center for a large agricultural area. Population,53, 589.
  • 此外,世界银行、货币基金组织和发基金每年还为消除贫穷、促进发展和稳定世界经济提供数十亿美元的贷款。
    In addition, the World Bank, the IMF and IFAD provide billions more annually in loans that help to eradicate poverty, foster development and stabilize the world economy.
  • 1959年在西藏进行的民主改革,彻底废除了长达700多年的政教合一、贵族僧侣专权的封建奴制度,昔日百万奴和奴隶获得了人身自由,成了新社会的主人。
    The democratic reform which took place in Tibet in 1959 eradicated the feudal serf system marked by the combination of government and religion and the dictatorship of nobles and monks, thus tens of thousands of serfs and slaves under the old system got their personal freedom and became masters of the new society.
  • 比如说文艺界的宗派主义吧,这也是原则问题,但是要去掉宗派主义,也只有把为工,为八路军、新四军,到群众中去的口号提出来,并加以切实的实行,才能达到目的,否则宗派主义问题是断然不能解决的。
    Take, for instance, the sectarianism in literary and art circles. This too is a question of principle, but sectarianism can only be eradicated by putting forward and faithfully applying the slogans, "For the workers and peasants!", "For the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies!" and "Go among the masses!" Otherwise the problem of sectarianism can never be solved.
  • 民协会是青年和壮年民当权,所以对于推翻神权,破除迷信,是各处都在进行中的。
    Since the latter control the associations, the overthrow of religious authority and the eradication of superstition are going on everywhere.
  • 如救助贫困母亲的“幸福工程”、专门资助贫困地区失学女童的“春蕾计划”、援助西部缺水地区妇女的“母亲水窖工程”等,为加快村妇女脱困发挥了积极作用。
    Such activities as the Happiness Project to help impoverished mothers, the Spring Buds Program for supporting girl dropouts in poverty-stricken areas and the Cistern Project to aid women in the water-deficient areas of western China, have played an active role in helping rural women to erase poverty quickly.
  • 业翻番不能只靠粮食,主要靠多种经营。
    Nevertheless, we cannot rely solely on increases in grain production to quadruple agricultural production as a whole; We must rely primarily on diversification.
  • 到本世纪末二十年的奋斗目标定了,这就是在不断提高经济效益的前提下,工业年总产值翻两番。
    The objective for the two decades from 1981 and the end of this century has been set: on the basis of steadily improved economic performance, we shall try to quadruple the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output by the year 2000.
  • 党的十二大提出,到二○○○年,我国的工业年总产值,要比一九八○年翻两番。
    The Party's Twelfth National Congress set a goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output between 1980 and the year 2000.
  • 猪只和家禽是本地民主要饲养的食用禽畜。本地畜养的猪只总值为6.19亿元。本地饲育的家禽,包括鸡、鸽和鹌鹑,总值达2.41亿元。
    Pigs and poultry are the principal animals reared for food and the value of locally produced pigs amounted to $619 million and that of poultry, including chickens, pigeons and quails, to $241 million.
  • 目不识丁的浙江家女潘秀红放下面子与9岁女儿同进一个教室,同用一张书桌,以优异的成绩脱了盲,当选为全国“识字女状元”。
    Pan Xiuhong who was totally illiterate entered the same classroom with her nine-year-old daughter and shared a desk with her without any airs. She finally became literate with excellent result and has been selected as the national "Best women of Learning to Read and Write."
  • 会于是神气十足了。
    So the peasant associations are putting on grand airs.
  • 第三,尽管扶贫开发已使广大村贫困地区的贫穷落后状况明显改变,但贫困户的基本生产生活条件还没有质的变化,贫困地区社会、经济、文化落后的状况还没有根本改观。
    Third, although the development-oriented poverty reduction drive has greatly changed the poverty and backwardness of the vast impoverished rural areas, there has been no qualitative change either in the basic production and living conditions of the poverty-stricken peasant households, or in the social, economic and cultural backwardness in those areas.
  • 国家不仅将扶贫到户作为一项重要措施,而且把解决贫困户温饱的各项指标也量化到户。
    The state has also used the individual household as the basic unit in quantifying the various indices for solving the poor peasant households' problem of food and clothing.
  • 飞机在我们的场上空盘旋。
    The airplane circled over our farm.
  • 由于缺乏天然资源,第一级生产行业(渔业、采矿和石矿业)在本地生产总值及就业人数中所占的比率微不足道。
    Owing to the absence of natural resources, primary production (agriculture and fisheries, mining and quarrying) is very small in terms of its contributions to both GDP and employment in Hong Kong.
  • 部队过去在村,现在不少部队进了城市,住了营房,这就是新的情况。
    And many of our troops, instead of being in the rural areas as before, are now in cities and quartered in barracks.These are new conditions.
  • 1959年叛乱平息后,中央人民政府顺应西藏人民的愿望,在西藏进行了民主改革,废除了极端腐朽、黑暗的封建奴制度,百万奴和奴隶翻身解放,不再被作为奴主的个人财产加以买卖、转让、交换、抵债,不再被奴主强迫劳动,从此获得了人身自由的权利。
    After the quelling of the armed rebellion in 1959, the central people's government, in compliance with the wishes of the Tibetan people, conducted the Democratic Reform in Tibet and abolished the extremely decadent and dark feudal serfdom. The million serfs and slaves were emancipated. They were no longer regarded as the personal property of serf-owners who could use them for transactions, transfer, mortgage for a debt or exchange or exact their toil. From that time on they gained the right to personal freedom.
  • 随着西藏不断扩大开放,一些过去没有的物种,如鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鳝鱼、泥鳅等水生动物,一些高产、优质的牛、羊、猪、鸡、鸭等家禽家畜,玉米、西瓜及各种蔬菜等高效作物,都已从内地引进并在西藏蓬勃生长。
    As Tibet opens wider to the outside world, non-native creatures such as carp, crucian carp, eel and loach, high-productivity and quality cattle, sheep, pigs, chicken, ducks, as well as corn, watermelons and vegetables have been introduced from the inland areas to Tibet, where they are thriving today.
  • 场的一端与机场相接。
    One end of the farm is butting on the airfield.
  • 2、村妇女文化科技素质明显提高,加快了科教兴和依靠科技脱贫致富的步伐
    2. Rural women have upgraded their calibers in education, science and technology, hence quickening the step of thriving agriculture, shaking off poverty and becoming well off through science and technology.