  • 这些都证明红军官中的绝对平均主义还很严重。
    Absolute equalitarianism, as shown in these examples, is still very serious among officers and soldiers of the Red Army.
  • 射击指挥作业器材
    artillery fire control operation equipment
  • 掷弹装备有榴弹的士
    A soldier equipped with grenades.
  • 一个备有手榴弹的步
    an infantryman equipped with grenades.
  • 一个用胸甲整装的骑
    a cavalryman equipped with a cuirass.
  • 训练并配备降落伞的步部队。
    infantry trained and equipped to parachute.
  • 或迫击炮在几个信号区内从同一个方向发射。
    artillery or mortar fire delivered in a constant direction at several quadrant elevations.
  • 空中机动步兵团
    An airmobile infantry regiment.
  • 中国方面,虽然在力量的强度上是劣势,因此造成了战略上的某种被动姿态,但是在地理、人口和员的数量上,并且又在人民和军队的敌忾心和士气上,却处于优势,这种优势再加上其他的有利因素,便减杀了自己军力、经济力等的劣势的程度,使之变为战略上的相对的劣势。
    As for China, though placed in a somewhat passive position strategically because of her inferior strength, she is nevertheless quantitatively superior in territory, population and troops, and also superior in the morale of her people and army and their patriotic hatred of the enemy; This superiority, together with other advantages, reduces the extent of her inferiority in military, economic and other power, and changes it into a relative strategic inferiority.
  • 在美国,我们有150万士、水手、飞行员和海军陆战队员。他们都是在陆军、海军、空军和海军陆战队的熔炉里成长起来的。
    We have in the U.S., 1.5 million soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who have all been raised in the stereotypes of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.
  • 空军士军衔美军空军中在列之上,一等之下的军衔
    An enlisted rank in the U.S. Air Force that is above airman basic and below airman first class.
  • 士兵们驻扎在城内。
    The soldiers were quartered in the town.
  • 第三条修正案在和平时期,未经房主同意,士不得在民房驻扎;除依法律规定的方式,战时也不允许如此。
    Article III.No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
  • 舰长立刻召唤水进入战斗岗位。
    Without delay the captain beat to quarters.
  • 们遭到近距离的火力射击。
    The soldiers got fired into at close quarters.
  • 那人开始颤抖地询问那个士
    the man began quaveringly to question the soldier.
  • 们奉命前去平息暴乱。
    The soldiers were ordered out to quell the riot.
  • 公元744年,发展壮大了的回鹘于漠北建立政权,并两次出帮助唐朝中央政权平息“安史之乱”。
    In 744, the Uighur founded a khanate in Mobei, and later dispatched troops twice to help the Tang central authorities to quell the An Lushan-Shi Siming Rebellion.
  • 卫兵沿机场四周巡逻.
    Guards patrolled the perimeter of the airfield.
  • 炮兵侦察校射飞机
    artillery fire-directing and reconnaissance aircraft
  • 空军实行空防合一的体制,由航空、地空导弹、高射炮、空降以及通信、雷达、电子对抗、防化、技术侦察等专业部(分)队组成。
    Adopting a system of combining aviation with ground-to-air defense forces, the Air Force consists of the aviation, surface-to-air missile, anti-aircraft artillery and airborne units, as well as communications, radar, ECM, chemical defense, technical reconnaissance and other specialized units.
  • 2。地空导弹、高射炮通常按师(旅)、团、营、连体制编成。空降按军、师、团、营、连体制编成。
    The ground-to-air missile force and anti-aircraft artillery force are usually organized into divisions (brigades), regiments, battalions and companies, and the airborne force into corps, divisions, regiments, battalions and companies.
  • 空军由航空、地空导弹与高射炮、雷达、空降种和专业部队组成。
    The Air Force has such arms as the aviation, surface-to-air missile and antiaircraft artillery, radar, and airborne, as well as other specialized units.
  • 们悄悄地向敌人匍匐前进。
    Soldiers quietly crawl to advance to enemy.
  • 在敌军当制造破裂或者某人自己离开或者潜逃(在军事上应用)。
    make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing (military usage).
  • 闵希豪生,卡尔·弗雷德里希·希伦穆斯·冯1720-1797德国士,以善讲有关他做为猎人、运动员和士的冒险经历的荒诞故事而闻名
    German soldier and raconteur known for his fantastic stories about his adventures as a hunter, sportsman, and soldier.
  • 这里所谓“打开”,就是指近距离的分
    Here, "to cast the net wide" means to divide our forces within a short radius.
  • 前委给中央的信上说了红军的游击战术,那里面包括了近距离的分
    The letter from the Front Committee to the Central Committee says of guerrilla tactics for the Red Army, including the division of forces within a short radius:
  • 至于远距离的分,则要在好一点的环境和在比较健全的领导机关两个条件之下才有可能。
    As to dividing our forces over a wide radius, it is possible only on the two conditions that circumstances are comparatively favourable and the leading bodies fairly strong.
  • 杰里说他在上次战争中是一名皇家空军的战斗机驾驶员,而且还立下了卓著功勋其实是天大的谎言——当时他是步部队中的一个炊事员。
    It runs out that Jerry's stories of his exploits as a fighter pilot in the RAF during the last war are a whopping great lie—he was really a cook in the infantry.
  • 这些衣着不齐的民武装正是西方国家日益靠近的对象,想靠他们把阿富汗从塔利班及本·拉丹的恐怖组织手中夺过来。
    It is to this group of rag bag militia to which the West is Increasingly turning as it sets about wreatling control of Afghanistan from the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden's terror network.
  • 旦当了,你怎么来安置我呢?我——一个无依无靠的孤儿,没有财产,只有一间快塌了的小屋和一些破烂的渔网,这点可怜的遗产还是我父亲传给我母亲,我母亲又传给我的呢。
    Once a soldier, what would you do with me, a poor orphan, forlorn, without fortune, with nothing but a half-ruined hut and a few ragged nets, the miserable inheritance left by my father to my mother, and by my mother to me?