  • 类,属分类学中介于科和种之间的特级,由包含显示相似特点的种所组成的群。在分类学术语中,属被单独使用或后面跟一个拉形容词或定语,来形成一个种的名称
    A taxonomic category ranking below a family and above a species and generally consisting of a group of species exhibiting similar characteristics. In taxonomic nomenclature the genus name is used, either alone or followed by a Latin adjective or epithet, to form the name of a species.
  • 被命名为某物的人名;君士坦堡与君士坦一世齐名。
    the name of a person for whom something is supposedly named; Constantine I is the eponym for Constantinople.
  • 于是,他就一直等着阿拉离开那幢房子,然后他对公主说:“把你的旧灯给我,我给你新灯。”
    When he waited till Aladdin went out of the house, he said to the Princess, "Give me your old lamps and I will give you new lamps."
  • 由于阿拉拒绝这样做,魔术师心想:“让他在这里呆上一晚上,明天他就会照我的话去做的。”
    As Aladdin refused to do so, the Magician thought, "I will leave him for a night, and tomorrow he will do as I say."
  • 阿拉把灯给他母亲看:“我们可以把灯卖了,拿钱买食物。”
    Aladdin showed the lamp to his mother, "We can sell this and bring food with the money."
  • “我要从这地方出去,送我回妈妈身边。”阿拉对他说。
    "I want to get out of this place, take me home to my mother," said Aladdin.
  • “拿好这药粉,”阿拉对公主说,“把它放进魔术师的食物里。
    "Take this powder," Aladdin said to the Princess." Put it in the Magician's food.
  • 于是阿拉叫神怪把他送去非洲,带到房子和公主所在的地方。
    Then Aladdin asked the Genie to take him to Africa where he saw his house and the Princess.
  • 阿拉和他的母亲生活在中国,他们很穷,没有足够的食物。
    Aladdin and his mother lived in China. They were too poor to have enough food.
  • 魔术师把它打开了一条缝,说道:“把灯给我,阿拉。”
    The Magician opened it a little. He said, "Give me the lamp, Aladdin."
  • 说着,他又给了阿拉一只戒指,说道:“洞里有危险。
    Then he gave Aladdin a ring. He said, "There's danger in that hole.
  • 阿拉心想:“他会把门关上,然后把我留在这里让我死去的。”
    Aladdin thought, "He will shut the door and leave me here to die."
  • 《天方夜谭》中的神奇的灯,阿拉可以从中召唤出一个妖怪。
    in the Arabian Nights a magical lamp from which Aladdin summoned a genie.
  • 有一天,阿拉正在街上走的时候,公主巴德瑞尔从身边经过。
    One day when Aladdin was talking in the street. Princess Badrul passed by.
  • 一天,他得知阿拉还活着并且还娶了公主为妻。
    One day, he learned Aladdin was still alive and married the princess.
  • 公主照他的话做了,于是阿拉取回了神灯。
    The Princess did as he said. Aladdin took the lamp.
  • 国王看见阿拉和公主非常高兴。
    The king was glad when he saw Aladdin and Princess.
  • 这时,他看见了阿拉,就把他给叫住了。“孩子!”
    Then he saw Aladdin. He called to him, "Boy!"
  • 现在阿拉感到害怕了:“我怎么出去呢?
    Now Aladdin was afraid, "How can I get out?
  • 有一天,阿拉的母亲叫他去田里采花,然后把花卖了换食物回来。
    One day Aladdin's mother told Aladdin to get flowers in the fields and sell the flowers for food.
  • 阿拉下了洞,拿到了灯。
    Aladdin went down the hold and took the lamp.
  • 当阿拉回家时,看不见房子了。
    When Aladdin came back, there was no house.
  • 国王死后,阿拉成了国王。
    When the king died, Aladdin became king.
  • 阿拉从未见过这么漂亮的人。
    Aladdin had never seen anyone so beautiful.
  • “我们要食物。”阿拉说。
    "We want food," said Aladdin.
  • 接着阿拉就去找国王了。
    Then Aladdin went to the king.
  • 这个神怪把阿拉带回了家。
    The Genie took Aladdin home.
  • 塞尔马美国阿拉巴马州中部偏南一城市,位于蒙哥马利市以西。在1965年,这里是小马·路德·金领导选举者登记运动的所在地。人口23,755
    A city of south-central Alabama west of Montgomery. In1965 it was the site of a voter registration drive led by Martin Luther King, Jr. Population,23, 755.
  • 1954年马获得哲学博士学位并接受了在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的特斯塔大街洗礼堂的本堂牧师的工作。
    In 1954 M.L. received his Ph.D. and accepted the job of pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
  • 西班牙语与拉语近似。
    Spanish is akin to Latin.
  • 目不识的浙江农家女潘秀红放下面子与9岁女儿同进一个教室,同用一张书桌,以优异的成绩脱了盲,当选为全国“识字女状元”。
    Pan Xiuhong who was totally illiterate entered the same classroom with her nine-year-old daughter and shared a desk with her without any airs. She finally became literate with excellent result and has been selected as the national "Best women of Learning to Read and Write."
  • 言词的节奏单位,拉诗歌中从两个到六个音步中,含有一个主重音
    A section of a metrical period in quantitative verse, consisting of two to six feet and in Latin verse having one principal accent.