| - n. 袖口, 巴掌, 手铐, 袖头, 没有预料到的事情, 用手掌轻拍, 用巴掌打, 裤子翻边, 护腕 cuff
- 袖口花边 facing sleeve
- adj. 袖子上有褶饰花边的连衣裙. a dress with ruched sleeves
- 袖边绸 cuff trimming silk
- adj. 被打中的, 被击伤的, 受灾的, 受侵袭的, 受了伤的, 被侵害的, 受...之苦的, 受灾的, 遇难的, 患病的, 受罪的, 愁苦的, 衰老的, 受了创伤的, 被刮得与量器边缘齐平的, 装满的, 受烦恼、忧虑之苦的, 遇到麻烦的, 遭殃的 stricken
- n. 装在洗涤池边的)滴水板. sloping surface beside a sink, on which washed dishes, etc are put to drain (
- vt. 装边缘, 装轮圈, 镶边, 为...装边, 沿...边缘滚动 rim
- 装运港船边交货 FAS
- 装运港船边交货 Free Alongside Ship
- n. 装饰性的)绒球(如帽子上、 织物边缘等处的). small woollen ball used for decoration, eg on a hat, on the border of a piece of fabric, etc (
- n. 装饰材料(如花边或金属箔). material, eg lace or tinsel, used todecorate sth
- 装饰花边 border lace
- 装饰花边机 lace furnishing machine
- 装饰车辆用狭花边 coach lace
- n. 装齿, 边齿, 装齿, 锯齿状, 齿连接, 啮合, 齿圈 toothing