  • v.  公司冒险将产品削价售, 结果赢利.   The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products, and it paid off, ie was financially successful
  • v.  公司准备今年推一种新型家庭轿车.   The company is introducing a new family saloon this year
  • v.  公司发给汤姆一笔额外奖金以表彰他工作色.   The firm recognized Tom's outstanding work by giving him an extra bonus
  •   公司在年会上作的)年度报告.   the chairman's report, ie the annual report of a company, presented at its annual general meeting (
  • v.  公司已提出高薪相聘.   The company has offered a high salary
  • n.  公司提给她一笔可观的花红藉以拉拢她.   The firm offered her a generous bonus as a sweetener
  • n.  公司正为大规模口作好准备.   The company's gearing up for the big export drive
  •   公布;播;使熄灭,扑灭;生产;版;使不高兴   put out
  • adj.  公平合理的费用、 价、 要求.   a reasonable fee, offer, claim
  •   公开发表信教, 立志家修道   profess religion
  • v.  公开表明观点, 售, 贩卖, 公开发表   vend
  •   公开讲出去; 肯定地说   tell the world
  •   公诸于世, 发表, 出版   give to the world
  •   六角头不脱出螺钉   hexagon head unloosening screw
  • n.  六重唱曲, 十四行诗, 六重唱, 六人演小组, 任何六行的一诗节, 一节六行诗, 最后一节六行诗, 六行诗节   sestet
  • adj.  共集年金制(由雇主和职工共同资).   a con,tributory `pension scheme, ie paid for by both employers and employees