  • adj.  因通拥挤, 他迟到了.   Owing to the heavy traffic, he was late
  • v.  因通阻塞, 我迟到了.   I was delayed by the traffic
  •   因卡车司机罢工, 我们的货日期延误了一个多月.   The lorry drivers' strike has put back our deliveries by over a month
  • v.  因有压力而产生的焦虑、 紧张或心力瘁   [U] state of anxiety, tension or exhaustion caused by this
  •   因特网密钥交换协议   internet key exchange (ike)
  •   固定磁场交变梯度   fixed field alternating gradient
  •   固定磁场变梯度同步加速器   fixed field alternating gradient synchrotron
  •   固定磁场变梯度聚焦加速器   fixed field alternating gradient accelerator
  • n.  国书, 凭据, 印信, (常用pl), 信任状, 证书, , (大使等的)国书, 介绍信, 外使节所递的国书   credential
  •   国土交通大臣   Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
  •   国家通与机动车安全条例   National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act
  •   国家公路通安全管理局   NHTSA
  •   国家公路通安全管理局   National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
  •   国际海洋学资料换所   International Oceanographic Data Exchange (IODE)
  •   国际海洋学资料换所   IODE
  •   国际证券易所〔前称伦敦证券易所〕   International Stock Exchange [formerly known as London Stock Exchange]