| - 压裂液添加剂 fracturing fluid additive
- 压裂监测仪 fracture monitor
- 压装炸药 Compact explosives
- n. 压觉,重觉 baresthesia
- 压觉电测计 electric baresthesiometer
- 压路机滚轮 roller drum
- 压轨机 rail press
- 压软木塞器 cork press
- 压载处所涂料 coating of ballast space
- n. 压载物, 压舱物, 镇重物, 压块, 碇, 压载, 平衡器, 砂囊, 镇定物, 稳定因素, 安定, 沉着, 镇流器, 镇流电阻, 道碴, 碎石, 路基, 惰性质, (轻气球里用于压重的)沙囊, 沙囊 ballast
- 压载航行 sailing in ballast
- 压载舱容量 clean ballast capacity
- 压载运输 carriage of ballast
- vt. 压迫, 压制, 压迫, 压抑, 使烦恼, 使沮丧, 使疲乏, 压倒, 抑制, 使难受 oppress
- v. 压迫, 压制(某人) with continual injustice or cruelty
- n. 压迫, 镇压, 痛击, 打击 crackdown