| - adj. 生产者或所有者给的)赠品 given free of charge by the producer or owner (
- vt. 生出, 出产, 产生, 让给, 让渡, 放弃, 承认, 同意, 被迫放弃, 交出, 投降 yield
- n. 生存, 生活, 生存, 存在, 生活费用, 衣食, 给养, 实体, 存在物, 生存手段, 留存 subsistence
- 生活得还不错, 收入尚堪自给 crack a crust
- 生活给水关闭 domestic water shut off
- 生活给水系统 domestic water system
- 用三脚凳打某人的头; 给某人一板凳(取自莎士比亚) comb sb.'s noddle with a three-legged stool
- vt. 用升汞浸渍木材, 给注入升汞, 用升汞溶液防腐 kyanize
- n. 用垫子给自己做个安乐窝. make oneself a nest of cushions
- vt. 用大写字母写或印刷, 资本化, 转作资本, 化为本值, 资本还原, 投资于..., 提供资本给..., 计算现在价值, 定资本额, 估价, 定...为首都, 提供资本, 核定资本, 把…大写, (与on连用)利用, (亦作capitalise), 以大写字母写, 变成资本 capitalize
- n. 用姿势给(某人)指示方向 in the specified direction by a gesture
- v. 用平行线相交的网线给(某物)加上标记或阴影 with sets of crossing parallel lines
- adv. 用於将某人所要的东西给他时) (used when giving sb a thing he wants or has requested
- adv. 用水把葡萄酒冲淡给孩子喝. The wine was watered down for the children
- n. 用汽车前灯(给某人)发信号. with one's car headlights
- vt. 用法兰绒包,给...穿上法兰绒衣服 flannel