| - adj. 做广告的根本目的是要多出售货物. The primary reason for advertising is to sell more goods
- v. 做此种游戏中交出的东西 article given up in this game
- 停经出血 Withdrawal Bleeding
- 偶然出血 accidental hemorrhage
- 傲慢地走出...; 大模大样地离开 sweep out of
- adj. 像他出生时那样赤裸的. as naked as the day he was born
- n. 像开连珠炮般向某人提出许多问题. pepper sb with questions
- n. 像泉水般)流出, 涌出, 喷出 flow or rise like water from a well (
- n. 像(说出名字的)这一类人 people like the person whose name is given
- adj. 僧院的, 出家的 monastical
- n. 儿童的精力需要发泄出来. Children need an outlet for their energy
- 元音变化构成的复数(如由man变出的men等) mutation plural
- adj. 充分的, 完全的, 绝对的, 无限制的, 全体出席的, 有全权的, 正式的, 全权的(政府权利), 全体出席的(会议), 无限的、绝对的 plenary
- n. 充分解释自己提出的事 He said he would pay, but in point of fact he has no money. 他说他付钱, 可实际上他并没有钱. labour the point => labour2. make one's `point explain fully what one is proposing
- adj. 充沛的, 溢出的, 过剩的, 充满的 overflowing
- v. 充满, 富于, 大量出现 teem