| - n. 这些衣服该洗了. These clothes will have to be washed
- n. 这些衣物一个箱子装不下. These clothes won't all pack into one suitcase
- n. 这些袋子难於搬运, 倒不是因为重而是体积太大. It's not their weight that makes these sacks hard to carry, it's their bulk
- adj. 这些规则似乎不适用於这种情况. The rules seem to be inapplicable to this situation
- adv. 这些规则并非放诸四海而皆准. The rules do not apply universally
- 这些规则必须严格遵守. The regulations must be stringently observed
- v. 这些规则是为保护儿童而制定的. These regulations were made to protect children
- n. 这些计划终於得以实施. The plans were finally put into execution
- n. 这些计算机还未上市. These computers are not yet on the market
- v. 这些讨论有负(我的)期望. The discussions didn't measure up (to my expectations).
- 这些论据是有利於被告的理由. These arguments make up the case for the defence
- v. 这些设备都已经过实地试验. n The equipment has all been field-tested.
- 这些设计图是我们的纽约办事处用传真机给我们传送来的. Please fax me the layout for the new catalogue. 请用传真机把新目录的版面编排图样传送给我. The plans were faxed to us by our New York office
- n. 这些词藻堆砌在一起讲不通. These words are jumbled up and don't make sense
- n. 这些词语有可能引起误解. put a misconstruction on these words, ie assume them to mean what they do not
- v. 这些诗句韵律严谨. The verses scan well