| - n. 引信线, 耐风火柴, 红色闪光信号, 均力圆锥轮, 火箭发动机点火器, 蜗形绳轮, 骨瘤, 引信 fusee
- adj. 引起幻觉的, 服用幻觉剂的, 荧光的, 颜色鲜艳的, 产生幻觉的(艺术), 起幻觉的, 迷幻的 psychedelic
- v. 引起日蚀,引起月蚀,使...黯然失色 eclipse
- 弗吉尼亚爬山虎, 苫壁藤, 五叶爬山虎(常蔓生於墙上作为装饰, 叶大, 於秋天变成猩红色). ornamental vine often grown on walls, with large leaves which turn scarlet in the autumn
- 弯曲中子梳单色仪 curved neutron monochromator
- 弱发育暗色土 haplic andosols
- 弱坡色子 weak boson
- 弹力素色女背心 plain stretch vest for lady
- 弹力素色少年睡衣 plain stretch pyjamas for teenage
- 弹性假黄色瘤 pseudoxanthoma elasticum
- 弹辨色点 color point
- adj. 强光、 浓重的颜色 a strong light, colour
- 强力本色亚麻布 toile de halle
- 强反差滤色镜 contrast filter
- v. 强烈 的阳光把窗帘晒得褪了色. The strong sunlight had faded the curtains
- n. 当年流落他乡的犹太人现在生活在以色列. People from every country of the Diaspora now live in Israel