| - n. 做出全年的开支预算 plan out one's annual expenditure
- n. 做出可能使自己致命或失败的事 one's own `death-warrant do sth that will result in one's death, defeat, etc
- 做出大动作的手势. gesture grandly
- v. 做出对某人有利[不利]的裁决 against sb
- 做出惊人之举; 取得非凡成就 set the Thames on fire
- adj. 做出最大的牺牲(如为信仰而捐躯) make the supreme sacrifice, eg die for what one believes in
- adj. 做出的不合法杀害的裁决. a verdict of unlawful killing
- n. 做出的蔑视、 强大、 友好、 同情的样子 a show of defiance, strength, friendship, sympathy
- adj. 做出笼统的推论、 指责等. make a sweeping generalization, accusation, etc
- v. 做出结论、 决定、 判决等 reach a conclusion, decision, verdict, etc
- n. 做出该决定的基本上在财务方面的考虑 the basic financial motivations for the decision
- adj. 做出非常沉稳的手势以示强调. making very deliberate gestures for emphasis
- n. 做出)使情况或成就失色的事物. take the gilt off the `gingerbread do or be sth which makes a situation or achievement less attractive or worthwhile (
- 做出[讲出]让人蔑视的事[话] put oneself out of court
- 做劳而无功的事情, 做出可能引起严重后果的事 set a stone rolling
- 做多头(把持商品或证券以待涨价时卖出) be on the long side of the market (=go long of the market)