边Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 舱口栏板(船舱口周围防水流入的突起边缘). raised rim round a ship's hatches to keep water out
- 舱壁底边角材 bulkhead boundary bar
- 舷边压板 capping rail
- 舷边安全网 cargo saving net
- 舷边导向滑轮 wing bollard
- 舷边装甲 side armour
- n. 船员们抵达岸边时境况已十分悲惨. The crew were in a sorry plight by the time they reached shore
- n. 船在大风吹袭下倾到了一边. The boat heeled he strong wind
- 船桥边厢 cab
- v. 船行时船身擦著码头的边. The ship's hull scraped along the side of the dock
- 艇罩或天幕的滚边绳 cod line
- 艇罩或天幕的滚边绳艇罩或天遮的滚边绳 cod line
- 色边格子棉布 border checks
- n. 节, 瘤, 隆起, 硬节, 小的隆起物, 金属表面上的小粒, 小凸边压花, 压花, 圆形按钮, 矮小结实的人, 辊式拉边器, (硬币等边缘上的)压花, 滚花 knurl
- 芦荟纤维花边 aloe lace
- 花式布边 fancy selvage