| - 消旋非明 Dysmalgine
- 消晶化棉 decrystallized cotton
- 消暑解热,明目怡神 relieving heat and sunstroke, refreshing and beneficial to the eyes
- n. 消极主义, 被动性 passivism
- 消极手法 Minus-device(negative device)
- adj. 消极的批评(未对所批评的事物提出改进意见的) negative criticism, ie that does not suggest how the thing criticized could be improved
- adj. 消极的服从、 接受 passive obedience, acceptance
- 消极的美德(未行善也未作恶) negative virtue
- n. 消极词汇(个人认识但不会使用的全部的词) a passive vocabulary, ie words one recognizes only
- 消毁式过油管射孔器 expendable through-tubing perforator
- n. 消毒, 灭菌, 不毛, 不肥沃, 绝育, 杀菌 sterilization
- vt. 消毒, 除去浮沫或浮渣, 当做浮沫扔掉 despumate
- n. 消毒剂可杀菌. Disinfectant kills germs
- 消毒喷雾器 dynalysor
- n. 消毒器, 杀菌器 sterilizer
- 消毒洗衣粉 disinfectant detergent powder