| - n. 中小学)校长的职位 position of headmaster or headmistress (
- n. 中小学)男生的玩笑、 恶作剧等. a schoolboy joke, prank, etc (
- 中小模数渐开线花键滚轧机 small and medium module involute spline rolling machine
- 中尺度气候 mesoclimate
- 中尺度气候学 mesoclimatology
- 中尺度涡流 mesoscale eddy
- 中层云 medium level clouds
- 中层顶 mesopause
- 中带宽增益带宽 bandwith, mid-band gain
- 中帽头 parting rail
- 中幅板 center plate
- 中幅毛毯 three-quarter blanket
- n. 中平面, 盆腔中段平面 midplane
- 中年之后, 垂老之年 autumn of (one's)life
- n. 中年人的松弛的肌肉. middle-age flab, ie on people aged about 40-60 years
- v. 中年发福(即腰围增大). middle-aged spread, ie increased size around the waist in middle age