| - 悬臂铺管机 tube layer with suspending arm
- adj. 我们从险峻的高处眺望铺展在下面的城镇. From a precipitous height we looked at the town spread out below
- 我们在空著的房间里给客人铺好床. We made up the bed in the spare room for our guest
- n. 我挪了挪铺在炉前的地毯. I slid the rug in front of the fire
- n. 我要把前面的汽车道铺上碎石沥青. I'm going to tarmac the front drive
- n. 房侧的)铺砌地面. Cf 参看 patio. paved area beside a house (
- adj. 房间里铺上了新地毯. The room was fitted with a new carpet
- n. 扩大, 扩充, 膨胀, 详述, 引伸, 推广, 增幅, 放大, 放大倍数, 铺张, 铺陈, 扩展 amplification
- v. 扩张,蔓延,铺满 overspread
- n. 找平层(铺在地面上的水泥砂浆等的). layer of cement, mortar, etc spread over a floor to make it smooth
- n. 把乾净的被单铺在床上. put clean sheets on the bed
- vt. 把伸得过长, 越过, 赶上, 追上, 越过目标, 走过头, 取胜, 铺盖, 普及, 伸得过长, 做得过火 overreach
- v. 把桌布铺在桌子上. spread a table with a cloth
- adj. 把洗过的床单铺在床上. put clean sheets on a bed
- 拖带式串连摊铺机 hitched tandem paver
- 拼花铺地砖 combined design mosaic flooring tile