| - 开始谋生, 踏上生活道路 begin the world (=go out into the world)
- n. 当庭出示的第一件物证是一把刀, 据原告称是为谋杀凶器. The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon
- n. 徒党, 秘密结社, 阴谋, 阴谋小集团, 秘密集会, 五大臣小组, 派系 cabal
- v. 徵募, 参与, 支持, 征募, 谋取, 应募, 赞助, 征召, 参军 enlist
- adj. 怀恶意的, 恶毒的, 存心不良的, 有敌意的, 预谋的, 恶意的, 心毒的 malicious
- vt. 思考得比...来得深入、迅速或老练, 深谋远虑地制胜... outthink
- n. 怠工, 破坏活动, 破坏, 故意破坏, 阴谋破坏, 破坏行为 sabotage
- n. 恳求, 祈求, 魔法, 咒语, 犯罪图谋[合谋], 祈祷 conjuration
- n. 恶意, 怨恨, 恶念, 毒心, 预谋, 蓄意, 蓄意犯罪 malice
- adj. 恸哭她那被谋害的儿子. keening over her murdered son
- n. 情报部门抽丝剥茧发现了要行刺总统的阴谋. The Secret Service smelled out a plot to kill the President
- adj. 愚蠢的念头、 计谋等. a crack-brained idea, scheme, etc
- 成事在天,谋事在人 The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven
- 成事在天,谋事在人 Man proposes, God disposes
- 成事在天,谋事在人 The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven; Man proposes, God disposes
- 我们俩都谋求得到这份工作. We're both going after the same job