| - v. 是谁首先横渡大西洋的? Who first navigated the Atlantic?
- 最佳的,首屈一指的;比谁都好 second to none
- v. 最後一局将决定谁是冠军. This last game will decide who is to be champion
- adj. 本办事处无论对谁均一视同仁! Nobody gets preferential treatment in this office
- n. 比尔问她是谁. Bill asked who `she might be
- adv. 汽车登记证上倒是写著你的名字, 但真正的车主是谁? Your name is on the car's documents, but who really owns it?
- 没有人..., 谁也不... no man
- n. 爬爬那座山就知道谁行谁不行了. Climbing that mountain will certainly sort out the men from the boys
- adv. 甚么的, 关于甚么的, 以什么的, 谁的, 什么的, 哪个的, 关于什么的, 关于那人, 关于那事, 关于那物, 关于什么 whereof
- pron. 用以表示惊讶) who (究竟)谁 interrog pron (expressing surprise
- n. 看咱们谁赢吧. We shall see which of us is master, eg which of us will win (a fight, competition, etc).
- 知道某一范围内所有的人是谁(It took the new teacher a few days to remember who was who in the class. 这位新教师花了几天时间记住班上学生的名字) who iswho(=who's who)
- 究竟到底是什么[谁, 什么时候, 什么地方, 怎样, 为什么等]...? What [who, when, where, how, why] the devil ...?
- pron. 究竟是谁,谁,无论谁,不管谁 whoever
- v. 立体声是谁设想出来的? Who originated the concept of stereo sound?
- prep. 站在理查德後面的那个姑娘是谁? Who's the girl standing behind Richard?