| - 你什麽时候参加(英国普通教育文凭的)高级考试? your A levels?
- adj. 你今天思考得很深沉. a meditative mood 沉思的心境 *You're very meditative today
- v. 你从来就不考虑考虑别人吗? Don't you ever think about other people?
- n. 你们参加高级程度英语考试要读哪些必修课本? What are your set books for English A Level?
- v. 你只有真正专心致志(用功), 考试才能及格. You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself (to your work).
- 你在(英国普通教育文凭的)高级考试中有几项及格? Cf 参看 O level, GCSE. How many A levels have you got?
- 你好好考虑考虑吧此句常用于祈使句 put that in your pipe and smoke it
- adj. 你应该把你的决定再重新考虑一下才好. reconsider your decision
- v. 你是用英语思考呢, 还是在头脑中把自己的语言翻译过来呢? Do you think in English or translate mentally from your own language?
- v. 你的意见我们一定认真考虑. Your comments will receive our close attention
- 你的驾驶考试进展如何? How did you get along in your driving test?
- v. 你看你能帮助我们吗?'`我不知道, 我得先考虑一下.' Do you think you'll be able to help us?' `I don't know; I'll have to see.' `
- adj. 你给主考留下了很好的印象. You made a favourable impression on the examiners
- adj. 你考及格了, 我很高兴. I'm glad about your passing the test
- adv. 你考得够糟的. You've done rather badly in the test
- 你考得非常好. You did fantastically well in the exam