| - prep. 从争先恐後等待进去的人群来看, 这似乎是个热闹去处. (For idioms such as at hand, at once, at a low ebb, etc see entries at hand1, once, low1, etc. at hand, at once, at a low ebb等习语, 见hand1, once, low1.) Judging by the crowds waiting to get in this seems to be where it's at. ?i
- adj. 从事)公共事务、 群众娱乐活动、 社会服务等的 of or engaged in the affairs, entertainment, service, etc of the people (
- v. 从加那利群岛空运的新鲜番茄. fresh tomatoes lifted in from the Canary Islands
- v. 从拥挤的人群中穿过. a path through the crowd
- 从群众中来,到群众中去 from the masses, to the masses
- n. 从群体中清除(不需要的人或物). from a group
- adj. 他不很合群. He's not a very social person
- v. 他从人群中挤了过去. through the crowd
- n. 他们是一群笨蛋. They're a load of morons
- n. 他们正在环球旅行. A trip and (more formal) an excursion are short journeys and visits from and returning to a particular place. *trip和(较文雅的)excursion是指短期的旅程和观光, 从某地出发再回到该地. Excursion suggests a group of people travelling together *excursion指一起出行的一群人 They're going on a world tour.
- v. 他们竭力争取群众支持他们的建议. They are trying to win support for their proposal
- v. 他出来时向人群挥舞著文件. He came out waving the document at the crowd
- 他向警方提供情报而遭那群歹徒毒打. He'd been worked over by the gang for giving information to the police
- v. 他寻找她, 但人群中看不见有她. He looked for her but couldn't see her in the crowd
- v. 他毫不畏惧地听著群众的嘲笑. He listened to the jeers of the crowd without flinching
- n. 他没有什麽特徵, 在人群里决显不出他来. He's such a nondescript you'd never notice him in a crowd