| - v. 这篇文章值得仔细研究. The article deserves careful study
- adj. 这篇文章写得很糟糕, 不宜发表. The article is too badly written to be printable
- adv. 这篇文章写得糟极了. This article is dreadfully written
- 这篇文章太长. 你能删减(四分之一)吗? The article's too long. Can you trim it (by a quarter)?
- v. 这篇文章很短, 只能对这一问题作肤浅的探讨. This essay is so short that it can only scratch the surface of the topic
- v. 这篇文章旨在诋毁一个正直的人. The article is an attempt to defame an honest man
- adj. 这篇文章有许多拼写错误, 然而仍不失之为好文章. There are many spelling mistakes; even so it's quite a good essay
- adv. 这篇文章毫不切题. The essay isn't even remotely relevant to the topic
- adj. 这篇文章读起来枯燥乏味. makes heavy reading
- indef det 这篇文章错误太多. There are too many mistakes in this essay
- v. 这篇文章需要重写. The essay needs to be rewritten
- adj. 这篇论文中有些地方相当专业化. The article is rather technical in places
- adj. 这篇评论对影片宣扬暴力方面未作批判. The review is uncritical of the violence in the film
- adv. 这篇课文对他们来说太难了. This text is too difficult for them
- n. 追踪者, 拖车, 拖曳者, 拖曳的牲口, 追踪者, 挂车, 跟着马戏班跑的闲人们, 活动房屋, 蔓生植物, 电影预告片, 尾部, 影片的末尾, 篇身片, 片尾, 带尾, 垫木 trailer
- adj. 逐字报道一篇讲话. report a speechverbatim