  • n.  人們盼望來拯救世界的)救   person expected to come and save the world (
  •   人煙稠密[稀少]的-satellite 載人衛   be thickly [thinly] inhabited
  • n.  人造衛導彈觀測係統, 薩摩斯島   samos
  •   人造衛星直接廣播式pc   direct broadcast satellite pc (dbs-pc)
  • n.  人造衛重返地球模擬器, 補加紙張, 超越印數, 伸放紙, 伸放數, 篩渣, 篩除物   overs
  •   人造流星   artificial meteor
  • n.  人造物體如衛、 航天器等飛行的)軌道   path of a man-made object, eg a satellite or space-craft, round a planet, star, etc (
  •   今天下午的會議已延至下期舉行.   This afternoon's meeting has been put back to next week
  • n.  今天付款到期, 但我給了她一個期的寬限.   Payment is due today, but I gave her a week's grace, ie an extra week to pay
  • n.  今天期幾?'`今天期一.' =>App 5 見附錄5.   What day of the week is it?' `It's Monday.' `
  • n.  今天期幾?'`期一.'   What's today?' `It's Monday'. `
  • n.  今天是期二, 那麽明天就是期三.   Today is Tuesday so tomorrow is Wednesday
  • adj.  今春天氣惡劣--一連幾個期又冷又潮濕.   The spring was foul this year it was cold and wet for weeks
  • prep.  從前他們每期日都來看我.   They used to visit me of a Sunday, ie on Sundays
  • n.  從地面觀測太陽或其他球到達的最高點.   highest point reached by the sun or other star, as viewed from a given point on the earth's surface
  • n.  從期一到期六, 這條路一直川流不息, 但是期日沒什麽車輛來往.   During the week, the road is very busy but there is very little traffic on Sundays