| - vt. 使军事化, 武装, 使军国主义化, 使好战, 将(某地)加以武装, 将(某物)改作军事用途(亦作militarise) militarize
- v. 使分为原子,将...喷成雾状 atomize
- vt. 使化为原子, 使成原子, 把...喷成雾状, 使雾化, 使粉化, 用原子弹轰炸, 使分裂为原子, 将...喷成雾状 atomize
- n. 使某人全身湿透(将其推入水中). give sb a ducking, ie push him into or under the water
- v. 使柔软, 将前车接上, 做柔软运动 limber
- adj. 使爆炸装置准备起爆(将引爆器置於待触发状态). prime an explosive device, ie set the trigger
- vt. 使翻转向下, 旋前, 内转, 使俯, 使伏, 将手掌转向下, 使伏身, 使俯身 pronate
- vt. 使还俗, 使世俗化, 将交给俗人, 将让外行担任, 使还俗(亦作laicise) laicize
- vt. 使退去, 让离开, 打发走, 将...免职, 解雇, 开除, 消除, 不考虑, 摒弃, 遣散, 解散, 驳回, 拒绝受理, 不理会, 自心中摒除, 对…不受理, 下课, 解职, 使离开 dismiss
- vt. 使部分重叠, 使搭接, 互搭, 将连接使成平面 sypher
- vt. 使隔行, 使交织, 在...插入用于批注的空白纸, 在间装订衬纸, 隔行, 把纸装订在一起, 将两叠纸交替插入(亦作interleaf), 插入纸 interleave
- v. 使(一束光)衍射(即将 一束光分解为一系列明暗有别的光带或有色的光谱谱带, 旧作绕射). into a series of dark and light bands or into the coloured bands of the spectrum
- 保持良好的精神状态。不要让找工作将你压得喘不过气或打垮你。Jansen建议:”列出自己最喜欢做的五件事,然后去做吧!“ Keep your spirits high. Don't let the process overwhelm you or weigh you down. Jansen advises, "Make a list of your five favorite things to do, and do them!"
- v. 保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他, 便将他送给别人收养了. Paul's mother had him adopted because she couldn't look after him herself
- n. 倒数计秒, 脉冲重复率划分, 脉冲率的划分, 脉冲分频, 准备时间读数, 扫描时间, 行将摊牌的局面, 逆序计数, 倒读数, 应答脉冲比(未回答脉冲数与询问脉冲数之比), 计数损失, 漏失计数, 零讯, 花絮消息(报刊专栏名) countdown
- adj. 倘若外援枯竭, 形势将极为严重. If foreign aid dries up the situation will be desperate