Chinese English Phrase:
  • v.  他一脸吃惊的神情.   He had a startled look on his face
  • n.  他从不觉得饿, 东西也没有胃口.   He never feels hungry and just picks at his food
  • n.  他们了满满一罐果酱.   They've eaten a whole pot of jam
  •   他们得太多了, 一个小时都动弹不得.   So much did they eat that they could not move for the next hour
  • n.  他们大了一顿. pitch into sb (infml 口) attack sb violently猛烈攻击某人. pitch in (with sth) offer help or support主动帮助或支持   They pitched into the meal.
  • n.  他们对普遍存在的反政府情绪感到很惊.   They were very surprised by the prevalence of anti-government sentiments
  • n.  他们已有一个多星期没上热东西了.   They hadn't tasted hot food for over a week
  •   他们开始津津有味地大起来.   with great gusto
  • pron.  他们总是给我们很多东西.   They always gave us plenty to eat
  • n.  他们整天大大喝地庆祝.   They celebrated by feasting all day
  • adj.  他们来得很不是时候--我们刚开始饭.   They arrived at an inconvenient time we had just started the meal
  • v.  他们热心地照顾这个年轻的姑娘, 给她的、给她住处.   They befriended the young girl, providing her with food and shelter
  • v.  他们邀请我们吃便饭.   They invited us to partake of their simple meal
  • n.  他们闻到做菜的味儿, 知道眼看要饭了.   The smell of cooking told them there was a meal in the offing
  • v.  他做决定太仓促--现在可到苦头了.   He made a rash decision now he's suffering for it
  • v.  他东西以前很快洗了一下手.   He rinsed his hands quickly before eating