| - n. 基督教信仰的基本信条之一. one of the basic tenets of the Christian faith
- v. 基督教化, 信仰基督教 christianization
- 基督教徒在念信经时就表明了他们的宗教信仰. Christians profess their faith when they say the Creed
- adj. 基督教教堂、 基督教的信仰、 基督教 the Christian Church, faith, religion
- 基督教科学派(主张靠基督教的信仰无须医药即可治愈疾病的教派). religious system which claims that disease can be cured through Christian faith, without medical treatment
- n. 基督教(基於相信基督是上帝之子并信仰其教导的宗教) the religion based on the belief that Christ was the son of God, and on his teachings
- 增大仰角使飞机转入爬高, 拉机头上升 rotate the aircraft into the climb
- vt. 声称, 承认, 明言, 宣布, 表明信仰, 以...为业, 教, 教授, 佯称, 伪称, 假装, 正式准予加入, (常与to连用)表示 profess
- n. 多元主义(一社会中多民族或有不同政治、 宗教信仰的人和平共处的原则). principle that these different groups can live together peacefully in one society
- n. 多元性(一社会中有不同民族或有不同政治或宗教信仰的群体共同生活的状态). existence in one society of a number of groups that belong to different races or have different political or religious beliefs
- adj. 天主教)备受敬仰但尚未被列入圣徒者的称号. title of sb thought to be very holy but not yet made a saint (
- n. 天使(尤指基督教信仰中上帝的使者或侍者) messenger or attendant of God
- n. 奋兴活动, 奋兴大会(尤指旨在促进基督教信仰的) faith
- v. 她一度信仰社会主义, 但现已归真反璞像她父母一样投票支持保守党了. Once a socialist, she has now reverted to type and votes Tory like her parents
- n. 她为其宗教信仰辩护. She spoke in defence of her religious beliefs
- n. 她仰靠在船上, 把手指伸进水里. Draw is more formal than pull *draw比pull较文些 She lay back in the boat trailing her fingers in the water.