  • n.  我然认为我的方法好!   I still think `my way is better
  • n.  我们仍在装货.   We're still loading
  • adj.  我们仍很有希望获胜.   We still have a strong chance of winning
  • n.  我们从这场灾难中不断汲取教训.   We are still absorbing the lessons of this disaster
  • prep.  我们刚刚搬到这里, 和别人不熟感到有些冷清.   We've only just moved here so we still feel a bit out of it
  • n.  我们已经有好几个星期没有听到他的消息了, 但是然在盼望著(能有信来).   We haven't heard from him for weeks but we're still hoping (for a letter).
  • adj.  我对她的动机存疑念.   I remain dubious about her motives
  • adv.  我对此事看法和原来一样.   I still feel the same about it
  • n.  我提出的愿效劳的想法然未变.   My offer still stands
  • n.  我的计划在很大程度上在酝酿中.   My plans are still very much in embryo
  •   我相信你是英国人, 但需有护照加以证明.   I ,dare say you `are British but you still need a passport to prove it
  • v.  我睡不著觉, 所见所闻在头脑中转来转去.   my mind was still whirling from all I had seen and heard
  • adj.  我腿上碰伤的部位有触痛.   My leg is still very tender where it was bruised
  • v.  我虽已退休, 但做些义务工作, 以便了解当前的情势.   Although I'm retired, voluntary work keeps me in the swim (of things).
  • v.  我认为你说的有道理, 但我对此事的看法然不变.   , but my views on the matter remain the same
  • v.  我说的确确实实他都不信, 有疑虑.   he's still sceptical