些Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 他在谈论个人问题时总显得有些保留. He always displays a certain reticence in discussing personal matters
- 他坚持那些文件得销毁. He insisted that the papers should be destroyed
- n. 他声称在他家中发现的那些失窃的珠宝是有人给他栽赃. He claimed that the stolen jewellery found in his house was a plant
- adv. 他实际上说了些什么? What did he `actually say?
- v. 他宣布这一消息时, 声音(因激动)有些颤抖. as he announced the news
- adj. 他对朋友的做法有些不快(因为他们没有打电话告知要来). He was rather displeased with his friends (for not having phoned to say they were coming).
- adj. 他对这个问题的看法有些模糊. His ideas on this subject are a bit foggy
- adj. 他对那些事情的说法前後矛盾. His account of the events was inconsistent
- v. 他已经训练他的狗耍些灵巧的把戏. He's taught his dog some clever tricks
- adj. 他希望父母在政治问题上开通一些. He wished his parents were more open-minded on political issues
- adj. 他异常依恋那些使他回忆起童年生活的东西. He is fixated on things that remind him of his childhood
- conj. 他当时要是记得买些水果来该多好. If only he'd remembered to buy some fruit
- adj. 他很固执, 她也是, 只是程度差些. He's stubborn, and so is she, but to a lesser degree, ie not as much
- n. 他怀著恻隐之心, 留那些无家可归的孩子过夜. Out of sympathy for the homeless children he gave them shelter for the night
- v. 他总是逃避那些厌恶性工作. He always shirks the unpleasant tasks
- n. 他总觉得自己在商业界有些不适应. He always felt a bit of a misfit in the business world