| - 消弧电抗线圈 petersen coil
- 消得良 Licrease
- 消得良 Pancreatin
- n. 消息, 信息, 通讯, 音信, 口信, 情报, 电报, 通报, 遗传密码单位, 启示, 教训, 预言, 要旨, 寓言, 使命, 任务, 广告词句, 问候, 祝词, 咨文, 要点, 讯息, 音讯, 差使, 广告词 message
- n. 消息, 消息, 音信 tidings
- 消息分配模块 Message Distribution Module (MDM)
- 消息分配网络 Message Distribution Network (MDN)
- n. 消息宣布後一片混乱. There was pandemonium when the news was announced
- adj. 消息很快就传开了. The news was quickly passed round
- adj. 消息很灵通的, 熟知的, 时髦的, 熟悉现代生活方式的 hep
- 消息指示符 Message–Identifier (MID)
- n. 消息灵通的政治评论员. an informed commentator on political events
- 消息环 message loop
- n. 消息的传播途径(如在办公室、 学校、 朋友间) means by which news is passed on from person to person, eg in an office, a school or a group of friends
- v. 消息逐渐传出. News is starting to trickle out
- 消息隧道 Tunnelling Of Messages (TOM)