| - n. 核酸糖, 核糖, 核糖 ribose
- n. 核酸酶, 核酸酶 nuclease
- n. 根据衣著寒酸这一点可以把他们认出来. They were recognizable by the poverty of their dress
- 格酸盐 chromate
- 桂哌酸 Cinepazic Acid
- 桂酸苯乙酯 phenyl ethyl cinnamate
- 桐油酸醇树脂 tung oil alkyds
- 桔红醇酸萤光漆 orange color alkyd fluorescent paint
- n. 梅坎米胺, 四甲双环庚胺, 盐酸-3-甲基氨基异樟脑烷, 美加明 mecamylamine
- 棓酸甲酯 methyl gallate
- 棕榈酸乙烯 vinyl palmitate
- 棕榈酸季戊四醇酯 pentaerythritol tetrapalmitate
- n. 棕榈酸甘油酯, 软脂酸甘油酯, 三棕榈精, 甘油三个棕榈酸脂 tripalmitin
- 棕腐酸 ulmic acid
- 棕色腐殖酸 brown humic acid
- 棕闾酸 palmitic acid