| - 每日转动 daily rotation
- adj. 每日镜报独家报道. exclusively adv a Daily Mirror exclusive
- adj. 每日(的) done, produced or happening every day
- n. 每逢11月5日英国儿童都焚烧盖伊·福克斯的模拟像. On 5 November British children burn effigies of Guy Fawkes
- adj. 每隔一日(如星期一, 三, 五等). on alternate days, eg on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, etc
- n. 比实际早的日期, 比实际提前的日期, 倒填的月日, 比正确日期早的日期 antedate
- 民用年[日](365天, 区别于天文年[日]) a civil year [day]
- 民用日出没 civil sunrise and sunset
- 民用日民用日 calendar day
- 民用日民用日 civil day
- 氨苯伪麻片(日片) Compound Paracetamol Combination Tablets
- 永远, 直到世界末日 (from now) till doomsday
- 污泥日龄 sludge age
- 汽车工业方面的竞争日益加剧. It's getting very competitive in the car industry
- n. 沙滩上挤满了作日光浴的人们. The seaside is a coastal area where people go on holiday *seaside是指人们前往度假的沿海地区 The beach was crowded with sunbathers.
- n. 沙漠里落日的美景. the beautiful sunsets in the desert