| - n. 尤指人声)尖声的, 声调高的. high-pitched (
- adj. 尤指情绪)高涨 be intense (
- n. 尤指旧时)出身高贵有地位的女子 woman of good family and social position (
- n. 尤指旧时)维齐(某些穆斯林国家的高级官员) high-ranking officials in some Muslim countries (
- v. 尤指船、 舰或云彩)笔直、 高速而平稳地移动 move straight, fast and smoothly (
- adj. 尤指高大的年轻人)笨手笨脚的, 笨拙的 awkward and clumsy (
- n. 尤指高尔夫球和足球)高球. shot or kick that travels steeply upwards and then lands within a short distance (
- n. 尤指高尔夫球或足球)打高或踢高(球). so that it travels steeply upwards and then lands within a short distance (
- 尤指高尔夫球)误击(球)的上部. by striking it above the centre (
- n. 尤指高级的)文明, 文明阶段. state of human social development (
- n. 尺寸, 次元, 容积, 维度, 尺度, 线度, 次, 元, 度, 维, 因次, 量纲, 容积, 面积, 大小, 范围, 规模, 长、宽、厚、高度 dimension
- 尼卡留姆高强度耐蚀青铜 Nikalium
- 尼古丁含量低[中/高]的香烟. high-tar cigarettes
- 尼赫鲁上装(一种紧身、高领的上装) Nehru coat [jacket]
- 尿高胱氨酸(非定量)检测系统 Urinary homocystine (nonquantitative) test system
- v. 居...之上位,地位高于 outrank