| - n. 有个吉普赛人在游乐场上给我算过命. my fortune, eg by looking at playing-cards or the lines on my hand
- v. 有些火星把乾草给引著了. The sparks kindled the dry grass
- indef det 有些钱给偷走了. Some of the money was stolen
- v. 有人给你留下这张条子. left this note for you
- n. 有人要给我一份更好的工作, 但薪水较低--我很为难, 不知如何是好. I've been offered a better job but at a lower salary I'm in a quandary about what to do
- 有利; 赢钱;【商】给贷方 to the velvet
- adj. 有利可图的租金(给业主带来至少相当其花费於该房产的钱者) an economic rent, ie one that brings the owner at least as much money as he has spent on the house
- n. 有天大好处我也不嫁给他. I wouldn't marry him for all the tea in China
- adj. 有效的, 有影响的, 有作用的, 生效的, 得力的, 显著的, 给人深刻印象的, 实在的, 实际的, 现行的, 有战斗力的, 精锐的, 被实施的, 给人深刻印象, 有生力量 effective
- adj. 有效的,生效的,起作用的;给人印象深刻的;实际的,事实上的 effective
- n. 有自己全份的配给量 have one's full quota of rations
- adj. 未做准备的, 未供给的, 无生活来源的, 未作准备的, 无资格的 unprovided
- 未经发给合格证的 uncertificated
- adj. 未被占用的, 未被指定的, 未占用的, 不属于或未分配给任何人的, 非专用的 unappropriated
- 末名奖(为开玩笑送给竞赛中最後一名的奖品). prize given as a joke to the person who is last in a race or competition
- adj. 本届政府给人民带来新的希望. This government offers new hope to the people