| - adj. 有[没有]创业所需的资金. lack the requisite capital to start a business
- n. 有[没有]固定的全日工作. out of regular full-time employment
- 有[没有]工作 not having a paid job
- n. 有、 表现出、 没有社交本领. possess, display, lack savoir-faire
- v. 有一个小时我没听见孩子们出声了. I haven't heard a peep out of the children for an hour
- n. 有一名士兵没站齐. One of thesoldiers is out of line
- v. 有两名赛跑者没有跑完全程. Two of the runners failed to finish
- 有事你来找我就没问题了. Stick with me and you'll be all right
- indef det 有些学生做了作业, 但大多数都没做. Some of the students had done their homework but most hadn't
- n. 有些灵巧的炊具非但没有用处反而碍事. Some kitchen gadgets are more of a hindrance than a help
- v. 有大批老鼠出没的仓库 a warehouse infested by rats
- n. 有很多吃的, 可是没什麽喝的. There were plenty of eats, but not enough to drink
- 有改进的迹象吗?'`一点儿都没有.' Are there any signs of improvement?' `None whatsoever.' `
- n. 有没 OR (SELECT 7716 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(32)))XBCv)
- n. 有没 AND SLEEP(32)