| - n. 陆军少将. =>App 9 见附录9. army officer ranking between a brigadier and a lieutenant-general
- n. 陆空军高级将官, 典礼官, 职行官, 元帅, 陆军元帅, 空军元帅, 相当于陆军元帅的其他军种将领, 最高级指挥官, 宫内司法官, 司令官, 法警, 司仪者, 美国的联邦法院执行官, 市执法官, 市消防队长, 市警察局长, 典狱长, 狱吏, 高级军官, 司仪, 司礼官, 执法官, 执行官, 司仪官 marshal
- v. 随意将(某物)放在(某处) casually (in a place)
- n. 雪貂(用以将兔从洞中逐出、 捕鼠等). Cf 参看 ermine, weasel. small animal of the weasel family, kept for driving rabbits from their burrows, killing rats, etc
- v. 雾将整夜不散. Fog will persist throughout the night
- n. 青须公, 残酷的丈夫, 乱取妻妾的男人, 乱取妻妾然后将她们杀害的男人 bluebeard
- 音乐会的收入将捐赠给慈善事业. Proceeds from the concert will go to charity
- v. 顺风时将船帆自一舷转向另一舷以)改变方向. change direction when the wind is behind, by swinging the sail from one side of a boat to the other (
- n. 顾客请将手提包留在衣帽间. Patrons are requested to leave their bags in the cloakroom
- v. 预热(某物, 尤指烤箱, 待达到一定温度後将食物放入进行烹调) beforehand (esp an oven to a specified temperature before putting food in it to cook)
- n. 预示革命将爆发的小规模动乱. small disturbances that were precursors of the revolution to come
- n. 额手之礼, 问安, 敬意, 额手礼, 敬礼, 阿拉伯人见面的问候语, 意为, (将右手心放到前额上的)额手礼 salaam
- 风靡, 向...扩展; 眺望, 环视, 袭击, 将...一扫而光 sweep over
- n. 马球(体育运动, 骑马用长柄槌将球击入球门). game in which players onhorseback try to hit the ball into a goal using long-handledhammers
- n. 驳船, 平底船, 座艇, 大型游艇, 海军旗舰上将官用的)专用汽艇, 粗笨大船, 游览汽车, , 用驳船运, 乘驳船去, 蹒跚, 缓慢移动申斥, 怒骂Shecouldhavebargedmeallnight, tellingmeIwasacurandacoward.她会整夜地骂我, 说我是个坏蛋, 是胆小鬼。vi., 闯入, 插嘴, 相撞bargeintoaconversation插嘴Don'tbargeinwhereyouarenotwanted.不需要你的地方, 不要闯入。bargeboardn.山墙前作装饰的雕板bargemann.船夫, 经营驳船业的人bargemastern.驳船的主人, (举行庆典时的)河上游艇, 游艇 barge
- adj. 高尔夫球运动中)前面注意(警告人们运动员即将击球的口令). shout given to warn people that a player is about to hit the ball (