| - 采取驼鸟政策; 顽固地拒绝承认事实; 闭眼不看即将来临的危险 hide one's head in the sand
- n. 重大事件将要发生的日期 date on which something important is due to happen
- 金字塔式销售(商品销售方法, 一经销商购得经销权後将部分转售给其他经销商). method of selling goods in which a distributor pays a premium for the right to sell a company's goods and then sells part of that right to other distributors
- adj. 鉴於即将举行大选, 首相认为变通一下政策在政治上有利. Since there was soon to be a general election, the Prime Minister decided that a change of policy was politically expedient
- vt. 钉, 使牢固, 钉住, 钉牢, 吸引…的注意力, 使注意力集中在…, 把钉牢, 迫使说出其打算, 将...钉牢 nail
- adj. 钟即将於中午时敲响. The clock is just going to strike noon
- n. 铁路模型展销会将於星期五举行. A model railway mart will be held on Friday
- v. 错将公共汽车站当作长途汽车站指示给某人 misdirect sb to the bus station instead of the coach station
- n. 锚, 锚固装置(用缆, 链等连接著的金属设备, 用以将船舶固定於海底或将气球固定在地面上) heavy metal device attached to a rope, chain, etc and used to moor a ship or boat to the sea-bottom or a balloon to the ground
- vt. 镶嵌, 嵌入, 嵌入...以装饰, 将彩色的图片嵌入, 将捶打或熔化入金属, 木头或石头挖空部, 充填 inlay
- 间接税(非直接向政府缴纳的, 而是将之加在某些商品的销售价上). tax that is not paid directly to the government but as an extra amount added to the price of certain goods
- 阁下即将驾到. HE is coming
- 阵亡将士纪念日(纪念在1914-1918和1939-1945两次大战中的死难者, 时间在11月11日或最临近该日的星期日). Cf 参看 Armistice Day (armistice). 11 November, on which those killed in the wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45 are commemorated
- 阿富汗北方联盟将军 Abdul Rashid Dostum
- 陆军中将, 海军陆战队中将 lieutenant general
- n. 陆军准将, 准将, 旅长, 陆军准将, 陆军准将, 少将旅长 brigadier