| - abbr. 每小时70英里的速度限制 a 70 mph speed limit
- 每小时立方英尺 cubic feet per hour
- n. 每小时风速73英里以上的)风暴 wind of 73 miles per hour or more (
- n. 每平方英寸6磅的压力 a pressure of 6 lb to the square inch
- 每平方英尺烛光 candela per square foot
- 每日立方英尺 cubic feet per day
- n. 每星期的工资额增加10英镑. =>Usage at income 用法见 income. rise of 10 a week
- 每月交30英镑用作退职基金. 30 a month goes towards a pension fund
- n. 每秒一立方尺, 秒立方英尺 cusec
- 每秒立方英尺 cubic foot per second
- v. 每英亩的产量是多少? What is the yield per acre?
- 每英寸吃水吨数曲线 curve of tons per inch immersion
- 每英寸点数 Dots Per Inch (Dpi)
- 每英寸的打印像素 dot per inch (dpi)
- 每英寸纵倾力矩曲线 curve of moment to change trim one inch
- 每英寸纵倾排水量变化 change of displacement per inch trim