  •   信用能力   Credit worthiness
  •   信用证本来是可以的。但您知道,利率时刻都在变化,不保证我们…   A letter of credit should have been all right. But as you know, interest rates are changing from minute to minute. And we can not be assured that …
  • n.  信赖某人的保密能力   rely on sb's secrecy
  • adj.  修路费已削减到不再减的最低限度了.   Expenditure on road repairs has been cut to an irreducible minimum
  • n.  倾刻, 瞬息, 随时, 经常, 随时可发生   momentariness
  • vi.  倾注, 流出, 蜂拥而进, 鱼贯而行, 飘扬, 招展, 按力等级分类   stream
  • conj.  假使他赢了--是否赢还是一大疑问--他将是二十年来第一个获胜的英国人.   If he wins and it's a big if he'll be the first Englishman to win for twenty years
  • v.  假定我们使自己的计画(与你们的)协调起来, 那就切合实际了.   It would be sensible if we could harmonize our plans (with yours).
  • v.  假若他们提升我, 我就留下来, 但我看那是不可的.   I'd stay if they promoted me, but I can't see that happening
  • n.  假装有钱的,自命不凡而其实无无势的   tinhorn
  • adj.  偏僻的, 遥远的, 远程的, 关系甚远的, 距离较大的, 远房的, 疏远的, 冷漠的, 遥控的, 极小的, 细微的, 模糊的, 间接的, 远的, 边远的, 关系疏远的, 冷淡的, 兴趣不大的, 可性极少的   remote
  • v.  做不可做到的事而失败   fail by trying to achieve more than is possible
  • n.  做体力, 脑力或机械工作的力或力量   capacity or power to do sth physical or mental
  • n.  做出可使自己致命或失败的事   one's own `death-warrant do sth that will result in one's death, defeat, etc
  •   做劳而无功的事情, 做出可引起严重后果的事   set a stone rolling
  • n.  做工作不白做, 这是明摆著的事.   It stands to reason that nobody will work without pay