| - 对...痛心[发愁, 觉得难过, 生气, 觉得不高兴, 觉得厌恶] be sore about
- 对...给予高度评价; 重视(I don't put much value on what he says.我不重视他所说的话) put [set] much [a high] value on [upon]
- 对...表现出高兴; 对...表示幸灾乐祸 exult over
- 对...觉得不高兴, 生...的气 take a displeasure against
- 对...评价不高; 不怎么重视 put [set) little value on [upon]
- 对势利眼或自视甚高的人有吸引力的特质 qualities that appeal to people's snobbishness
- adj. 对我来说, 这家商店的价格太高了. That shop is too dear for me, ie Its prices are too high
- adj. 对技巧、 能力、 耐心等)要求很高的 demanding great skill, ability, patience, etc (
- comb form 对整件事谈得越少我越高兴. The less said about the whole affair, the happier I'll be
- adj. 对於我们提高效率的主要目的来说, 这些想法都是次要的. Such considerations are secondary to our main aim of improving efficiency
- adj. 对於提高费用, 她提出了(非常)充分的理由. reasoned case for increasing the fees
- adj. 对某些高级官员的尊称). title given to certain high officials
- 对流型高速混合器 convectional high-speed mixer
- 对生 存条件要求极高的微生物 an exacting microbe
- 对称型高低频电信电缆 paired high and low frequency telecommunication cable
- 对笼结高度 convective condensation level